Page 27 - Dr Pamela Peeke
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KiDS Eat FrEE            under eat free                                        Book Review
                                   9 Restaurants in San Diego
          DiNiNg guiDE             County
                                      Local author Ona russell Dazzles read-
          With adult purchase
          *Tip: Call ahead to verify*  Farmer Boys              ers with Second Sarah Kaufman Historical
                                   Every day after 4 pm         Mystery
          Bennigan’s               Escondido
          Tuesday from 4-10 pm     760-738-6188
          San Diego                925 W. Mission Ave.            When Solana Beach author,
                                                                  Ona Russell, sat down to write
          619-291-8853             Escondido                      her second historical mystery,
          1760 Camino Del Rio N.   760-0700                       The Natural Selection, she
        1333 E. Valley Pkwy            wasn’t sure what to expect.
                                      “Although my first novel was
          Carrow’s                                                inspired by a family member, my
                                                                  second has been much more a
                                                                  project of my own passions and
          Restaurants              Fusion Bar and Grill           sensibility," said Russell. Her
          Wednesday and Thursday   Tuesdays                       first novel, O’Brien’s Desk, was
          after 4pm 10 years and                                  nominated for a Pen/Faulkner
          under                    San Marcos                     award, and debuted to much
          Chula Vista              1020 W. San Marcos Blvd.       critical and popular acclaim. But
          619-426-1849                                            Russell needn’t have worried;
          598 H Street                                            her sequel, The Natural Selec-
                                                                  tion, has developed its own
          Escondido                Oggi’s                         following and was nominated for
          760-738-9583             Call your local Oggi’s be-     the New Mexico Book Awards
          510 W. Valley Pkwy       cause date and promotion       2008 Best New Paperback.
          Oceanside                vary by store
          760-722-9435                     The Natural Selection finds
                                                                  heroine Sarah Kaufman involved
          936 North Coast                                         in another life-threatening mystery, this time while visiting her cousin Lena,
          San Diego                Pat & Oscar’s                  an English professor at Tennessee’s Edenville College. When one of Lena’s
          619-424-6881             Tuesday all day                colleagues is murdered, Sarah is drawn into an investigation that involves
          615 Saturn Blvd.         10 restaurants in San Diego    issues of racism, Southern pride, plagiarism, and the dispute over creationism
          County                         vs. evolution. Set against the backdrop of the Scopes “Monkey” trial, Sarah
                                                                  discovers evidence that takes her to Dayton, Tennessee, where the showdown
                                    between the legendary lawyers William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow
          Chick-fil-A                                             takes place. There she reacquaints herself with Darrow, and meets journalist
          Tuesday 5-8pm            Roadhouse Grill                H.L. Mencken, who provides her with information that brings about a tragic re-  San Diego
          Chula Vista              Tuesdays                       sult in the Edenville murder case. While the Edenville investigation grows more   Woman
                                                                  dangerous, Sarah struggles with her newly discovered feelings for reporter
          619-482-6719             San Marcos                     Mitchell Dobrinski and seeks to set right the escalating sequence of events
          2089 Olympic Parkway     760-510-3805                   triggered by her own actions.
          Oceanside                110 Knoll Road
          760-7209199              Santee                         Like the highly-praised O’Brien’s Desk, The Natural Selection is a must-read   27
          3475 Marron Rd.          619-562-1554                   for historical mystery lovers who crave rich, evocative details, engaging char-
                                                                  acters, and sociological themes that are still relevant today.  Masterfully written
          San Marcos               9816 Mission Gorge Road        and researched, The Natural Selection introduces readers to the individuals
          760-736-8105             Kids and their imaginary       behind the “Trial of the Century,” while drawing us back into the world of Sarah
          587 Grand Ave.           friends eat free from Road-    Kaufman and her unending search for justice. Although spirited and intelligent,
          Sports Arena             ie's Rangers Menu on Tues-     Sarah is also deliciously human, and her struggle to solve this latest murder
          619-758-1555             days.  Imaginary friends       delivers the same page-turning suspense and ultimate satisfaction that read-
          3570 Sports Arena Blvd.  over 10 pay full price.        ers came to know in O’Brien’s Desk.
      www.originalroadhousegrill.    "I’ve always been fascinated with the 1920s, and historical mystery is a perfect
                                   com                            genre to represent the political and social complexity of that period," said
          Coco’s Bakery                                           Russell. “In The Natural Selection specifically, I invented what I believe to be
                                                                  a plausible mystery related to Charles Darwin, a still controversial historical
          Restaurants              Ruby’s Diner                   figure whose bicentennial is being celebrated coincidentally this year.”
          Tuesday and Wednesday    Tuesdays after 4 pm
          after 4 pm 10 and under  Carlsbad                       Like her heroine, Russell delights in all things intellectual. She holds an M.A.
                                                                  in English from Clark University and a Ph.D. in literature from the University of
          15 restaurants in the San   760-931-7829                California, San Diego. Teaching for years in various colleges and universities,
          Diego County             5630 Paseo Del Norte           she developed courses that combined her interdisciplinary interests, including
      #130D                          “Poetry and the Workplace,” “The Truth of Historical Fiction,” and “Literature
                                   Oceanside                      and the Law,” a topic on which she also writes and speaks extensively. A
                                   760-433-7829                   regular contributor to Orange County Lawyer Magazine, she also has been
          Denny’s                                                 published in newspapers, scholarly journals, and anthologies. She is currently
          Tues. 4-10 (some on Sat.   1 Oceanside Pier             at work on her third Sarah Kaufman mystery, set against the backdrop of the
          too)                                                    1920s Los Angeles oil boom.
          39 restaurants in the San                               For more information on the author or The Natural Selection, please visit www.
          Diego County             Tony Roma’s          
                                   Pacific Beach                  The Natural Selection (ISBN 978-0-86534-628-4) $21.95
                                   858-272-7427                   O’Brien’s Desk (ISBN 0-86534-416-7) $28.95
          El Torito                                               Sunstone Press
          Wednesday kids 12 and    4110 Mission Blvd.   
                                                      Issue 2, 2009
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