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                                                  HALEY ATTIG

                                                                 Future Farmers of

                                                                America Superstar

        By Nini Hodge              she has gathered to share
        Head Writer San Diego      with the public and turn the
        Kids Section               view of the farming industry
                                   from a negative to a positive.
                                   FFA was founded is 1928;
                                   however, women were not
           HIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT    allowed to join until 1969.
        Tan FFA (Future Farmers       FFA is relevant because
        of America) superstar Haley   whether you want to be an
        Attig, she is 16 years old and   engineer, a doctor, a business
        attends El Cap high school in   owner or a farmer, you need
        Lakeside. Besides her stellar   a foundation of leadership
        participation in FFA, she   skills. Here are a few key fac-
        also does cheer and receives   tors that FFA has to offer:
        near-perfect grades. She   •   The relationships
        comes from a long line of   •   Preparation
        animal people in her family,   •   Professional speaking
        her brother Troy is a rodeo    skills                                                                   Photos Courtesy of Haley Attig
        star and shows his animals   •   How to prepare to win
        through 4H and her mom     •   How to accept defeat
        Darcey is a renowned horse    Sadly, a lot of FFA pro-
        trainer who trains and shows   grams are being eliminated
        morgens, saddlebreds, and   in the schools due to budget
        fresions.                  issues and school adminis-    This year at the Del Mar   plays an extreme roll in to-
           Haley has also compet-  tration thinking that it’s not   fair Haley competed in show-  day’s society, this has unfor-
        ed and won at the Morgan   a necessary course, I say how   ing her pig and sheep who   tunately negatively affected
        Grand National and World   can it NOT be necessary,   both won their FFA divisions   the FFA programs. What the
        championship horse show in   farming is what sustains the   as well as take over all reserve   FFA can do is educate the
        Oklahoma. Haley raises pigs,   earth and its where our food   in market pig and market   public more about agriculture
        sheep, and other livestock,   comes from, not genetically   sheep, this is where they are   and help them understand
        she discovered her love for   modified labs. Haley says she   sold. Haley also won first   what FFA is truly about, this is
        showing and raising livestock  would like to take her past   in her swine showmanship   something they have failed to
        at a young age several years   and future FFA experience   then placing reserve in the   do in the past. It might seem
        ago. The animals she raises,   and apply it throughout   master showmanship. Haley   overwhelming to someone
        and shows, have taken her all   college and in her career.   is an outstanding student   who is considering joining
        over the United States and   According to Haley, the FFA   and horsewoman who has   FFA; however Haley says “DO
        have taught her about lead-  is such a fantastic program   been an active member of her  IT,” going to the conferences
        ership and responsibility. In   that isn’t just about animals   community almost her entire   and getting involved with
        the last 11 years that she has   and that it also includes   life. In her spare time, she   the other kids makes it so
        been involved with FFA, Ha-  leadership, speaking to the   helps her mom at River Run   worthwhile, she says you will
        ley has learned things about   public as well as judging   Farms in Lakeside, training   enjoy your time and create a
        the industry and how it im-  competitions. “I believe it   the horses as well as taking   new family. Personally, I can’t
        pacts society. Haley hopes to   sets up a person to develop   care of various animals. Haley   wait for high school, I will
        use the knowledge she has   an outstanding work ethic,”   states the lack of knowledge   be joining my schools FFA
        gained and the information   Haley says.              concerning farm to table    program for sure. Haley wants

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