Page 39 - Dr Tess
P. 39

Fabulous Finds Junior

           BABY BUTZ CREAM                                                              patients, and the cream is
                                                                                        being used in several hospi-
              Majda Ficko is an                                                         tal neonatal units.
           amazing woman and an                                                            Licensed with an NPN
           incredible inventor. She saw                                                 (natural product number)
           a need and acted upon it.                                                    by Health Canada and FDA
           Her first child was born with                                                Registered, Baby Butz cream
           a rare syndrome, Cornelia de                                                 meets the Gold Standard of
           Lange, which meant that her                                                  Pediatricians.
           son needed to be in diapers                                                     I personally used it on
           24/7. He spent most of his                                                   my granddaughter, and I
           first three years at Children’s                                              have to tell you that since
           Hospital, and the pharmacy                                                   the first application she has
           had a formulated diaper                                                      not had one case of diaper
           cream that helped keep her                                                   rash. If you are looking for a
           son’s terrible diaper rash                                                   solution to diaper rash, you
           stay under control. When                                                     have just found it.
           the pharmacy closed, he     Working with a research   best part, is everything in   Ask your pediatrician for
           would suffer. This caused   chemist, she developed a   Baby Butz Cream is 100%   a free sample.
           Majda to research how she   formula that is amazing. Her  natural. Pediatricians across
           could come up with a diaper  son has never had diaper   Canada and the USA are   For more information go to
           cream for all moms to use to  rash again in the seven years  handing out samples of or call 1
           help prevent diaper rash.   she has been using it. The   Baby Butz cream to their   877 494 4313

            POTTY DUCK               a squirt toy that had a hole   hole in the bottom and a   teach him words so he can
                                     in the bottom and after   flushing toy toilet which has  eventually communicate
              Potty Training can be   making the toy pee want-  suction cups that adhere to   his need to go potty. Never
            one of the most frustrating   ed to do the same herself.   the bathtub. Prior to trying   force your child to sit on a
            times for new parents. How  Longenecker joined up   to toilet train your little one,   potty, but instead use the
            do you know if your child is  with pediatrician Dr. Shelly   give them the potty duck to   Potty Duck as an incentive
            ready for this next step in   Mann and launched the   play with at bath time. Show  to do so.
            growing up? Pediatricians   Potty Duck in 2016 to help   your child how to make the
            say that there are three   kids learn through play and   duck pee into the toilet and   If you are having difficulty
            readiness signs:         discovery. Since little ones   then flush.          with Potty Training, or if it
                                     are like sponges, they watch   Potty Duck turns potty   is time to start training and
            1. Dry diaper after a two-  and copy whatever they see. training into a fun and   you would like a way to sim-
             hour nap                   What is the Potty Duck?   playful experience. As your   plify the process go to
            2. Your child follows you to   It is a Rubber Duck with a   child plays with Potty Duck
             the bathroom
            3. Your child can walk, sit
             down, and stand

              Once you see these signs
            present what do you do
            next? This is where the Potty
            Duck comes in. The idea for
            Potty Duck came when Fred
            Longenecker’s two-year-old
            daughter was playing with

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