Page 44 - Dr Tess
P. 44

Women of Distinction

                        Cindy Karen

                            DESIGNS FOR THE JETSETTER

                                          IN ALL OF US

                                             By Judith A. Habert

                                          Photos Courtesy of Cindy Karen

                           INDY KAREN HAD QUITE A      lesson for Cindy in the years to
                       Cunique childhood. No one       come.
                        else that I know could say that   As a young boy of 16, Cindy’s
                        they grew up in an airport. Cindy’s   father Don, had a rather untradi-
                        grandfather was Flavio Madaria-  tional newspaper route. He used
                        ga, and he and his partner Bob   one of his father’s planes to deliver
                        Bogan purchased a strip of land   newspapers between Flabob and
                        in Riverside California in 1943   the Van Nuys airport.
                        that had been an airport but was   Cindy’s older brother Robert
                        destroyed by a flood five years   started flying at such a young age
                        earlier. Flavio and his partner set   that he required phone books on   Cindy Karen
                        out to renovate it, and that is   the seat of the plane so he could
                        exactly what they did.         see properly                   “Howard Hughes,” and was fasci-
                           This airport known as Flabob   Both Cindy and her broth-   nated by the hairdos, the shoes—
                        became legendary. “Flabob was   ers, one older than her and one   all of the costuming. That may well
                        a hub for pilots, aerobatic cham-  younger, had tremendous free-  have been what sparked my early
                        pions, inventors, and designers—  dom. The airport was their play-  interest in fashion.”
                        anyone who, like my grandpa, was   ground and every day was a new   Even though Cindy moved
                        passionate about flying. Many   adventure for the three of them.   away to San Diego to attend San
                        aviation celebrities got their start   “Flying with my grandpa and   Diego State University and then
                        there.”                        brothers was always an exciting   settled here, she still managed
                           Cindy’s grandmother ran the   and sometimes scary event. My   frequent trips home to visit her
                        control center of the airport, and   brothers loved to mess with me,   family, and the airport remained
                        as soon as Cindy was old enough,   and they would fly straight up into   an important part of her life, even
                        she worked by her side. “I learned   the air and then cut the engine, or   as an adult.
                        so much from my Nonie, including   do barrel rolls just to freak me out.   “Sadly, when I was twen-
                        how to be a businesswoman.” This   It definitely worked!      ty-three, my grandparents were
                        would serve to be an important    As Cindy shares in her soon   both killed in an airplane crash.
                                                       to be released book, “Come Fly   The last time that I saw them was
                                                       With Me!“ The airport wasn’t only   shortly after I got back from a
                                                       a center for flying. During the   post-graduation trip to Europe,
                                                       off hours, we raced motorcycles   for which I had worked to save
                                                       down the runway. There were also   the money. My parents invited
                                                       stables on the grounds, and we   the family over for a barbecue
                                                       would ride the horses around the   to welcome me home. My mom,
                                                       airport. Grandpa loved nature, so   always the gracious hostess,
                                                       I learned about nature, animals,   had prepared my grandparents’
                                                       and aviation all at the same time.   favorite dishes. We all shared
                                                       The busy airport was also the site   stories and enjoyed every moment
                                                       for magazine photo shoots and   of the evening. As my Nonie and
                                                       movies. I spent part of my child-  Grandpa were leaving the party,
                                                       hood on Hollywood sets, which   Nonie hugged me tightly and said,
                                                       was an absolute dream for a little   “Next time you go to Europe, I’ll be
                                            Britt Karen  girl. I was an extra in the movie   going with you.” I was thrilled.

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