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Women of Distinction

                        live every day to the fullest, and   hand in hand with her, and can   sics on the go for every women’s
                        she has done so ever since as a   personally attest to the fact that   wardrobe.” Cindy Karen clothing is
                        way to pay homage to her brother   Cindy’s clothes work as well in her   not just for those of us who travel,
                        and grandparents.              closet as her mom’s.           but solves the age-old problem
                           Since she had always loved      Being raised in a family of   for women of what to wear and
                        fashion Cindy decided to take the   aviation entrepreneurs gave her   how they can make the most of
                        leap, and she set out to create   the inspiration to develop a line   their clothing budget. What is so
                        her own clothing line. With the   of clothing that would make   amazing about the Cindy Karen
                        encouragement of her longtime   travel easy and stress-free. Most   line is the versatility of it. You don’t
                        friend a successful businessman   women would admit that one of   have to buy ten different dresses
                        and mentor, Cindy Karen Clothing   the toughest parts of traveling for   to get a variety of looks. Those
                        became a reality. Cindy focused   business is trying to decide what   around you won’t even realize
                        on making her clothing line both   to bring and how to keep it light.   that you don’t have an extensive
                        unique and practical. She did     Men don’t seem to have as   wardrobe. With the classic pieces
                        so with a twist and one that can   much problem when it comes to   of her line, you can do just about
                        obviously be attributed to her   business travel. They pack a dark   anything with them to make them
                        childhood, the grandparents and   suit, a pair of slacks and a few   appropriate for whatever your
                        brother that she loved and the   shirts, and they are good to go. As   day entails. You can use the Cindy
                        backdrop of her life, the airport in   women, we are faced with decid-  Karen clothing as the primary
                        which she grew up.             ing not only the clothing but then   piece and dress it up or down.
                                                                                      Add scarfs, jackets, accessories,
                                                                                      flats, thongs or Manolo Blahniks,
                                                                                      and it will work.
                                                                                          Today Cindy Karen is bi-coast-
                                                                                      al, living both in New York and San
                                                                                      Diego and is still an avid traveler.
                                                                                      She continues to follow her belief
                                                                                      that you must live every day to it’s
                                                                                      fullest and not be afraid to experi-
                                                                                      ence new exciting adventures.
                                                                                         If you are in search of that
                                                                                      perfect wardrobe while both at
                                                                                      home and on the road take a look
                                                                                      at Cindy’s amazing collection
                                                                                      online at
                                                       the proper undergarments, shoes,
                                                       and accessories for each outfit.   Cindy Karen Clothing is
                                                       We also must consider which      available at Tre Boutique
                                                       clothes will travel well, and be
                                                       stunning right out of our suitcase.   DEL MAR
                                                       Cindy Karen’s clothes fit the bill.   (858) 755-7227
                           Cindy’s logo, a plane, is indic-  Her color palette of black, white,   Flower Hill Promenade
                        ative of her upbringing and the   and navy blue can be dressed   2690 Via De La Valle, Ste D240,
                        inspiration that led her to create   up or down allowing one dress   Del Mar, CA 92014
                        ‘Clothing for the Jetsetter in All   to be appropriate for a business
                        of Us’  The ability to believe that   meeting or dinner at the Ritz. One   ENCINITAS
                                                                                        (760) 942-0227
                        nothing is out of reach leads to   look at Cindy’s website at www.  Encinitas Ranch Town Center
                        success no matter what field we as and you will see   1006-D North El Camino Real,
                        women choose to undertake.”    the beauty and versatility of her   Encinitas CA, 92024
                           Cindy Karen Clothing is the   designs.
                        epitome of classic style with fun   As Cindy shares, “Travel is   CARMEL VALLEY
                        and adventure thrown in. Her   every day you live life get out the   (858) 847-2760
                        selection is full of flattering lines   door and embrace life. Say yes   The Village at Pacific Highlands
                        and appropriate for women of all   to that event and creating new   Ranch
                        ages. Her daughter, Brittany works   adventures. With Cindy Karen clas-  5980 Village Way, Ste B104,
                                                                                        San Diego, CA 92130

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