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“Dare to Be D.I.N.O!”


                                      Changing The Way We Learn to Do Business
                                                       October 19-2st, 2018

                           The Annual “Dare to Be      you’ll learn How to Think Like a   right. Yes, I’m bucking a system,
                        D.I.N.O!” Women’s Business     Man but WIN Like a Woman.      but it’s what’s needed. The past
                        Leadership Conference is making   Organizer Debbra Sweet      7 years, I’ve been innovating my
                        a return appearance on October   shares some insight, “I personally   style so I can now support the
                        19-21st in Oceanside California.   believe the current ways of how   masses. This ‘D.I.N.O!’ Conference
                        Missed last years event? Be sure   we are told to learn how to ‘do'   is one way I can bring a room full
                        to attend this one to avoid mak-  business- are outdated, antiquat-  of Dynamic ‘Get it Done’ Women &
                        ing the same mistake again.    ed and keep people struggling   Men who want to break the mold
                                                       unnecessarily. There’s a common   of status quo and leave a positive
                                                       statistic that states that most busi-  mark on the world with who they
                                                       nesses fail within the first 2 years.   are and what they do.”
                                                       There’s more business ‘deaths’    One of the most interesting
                                                       along the way. The numbers are   statistics that Debbra shared is
                                                       actually staggering! Research   that most businesses in the U.S.
                                                       reveals from 1990 to 2011, there   are owned by men, yet the largest
                                                       have been a total of nearly 12.8   amount of new businesses are led
                                                       Million business births and 12.2   by women. Of that, less than 3%
                                                       Million business deaths in the   of businesses that reach 7 figures
                                                       United States.“                are women-owned!
                                                          Debbra has seen the strug-     “Women often can make
                                                       gles of that fact in the lives of her   better business owners because
                                                       clients for decades. In fact, their   we have an inherent desire for
                                                       pains of ‘following the status quo’   collaboration- and creating a pos-
                                                       mindset on how to start, grow   itive experience. Part of what I am
                           Men have been the strong-   and maintain businesses has    going to teach at this conference
                        hold of business in the USA for   inspired Debbra to do everything   is ‘How to Think Like a Man But
                        decades. The tides are changing-   she can to save small businesses   Win Like a Woman.’ Men approach
                        and the fastest growing segment   from similar fates.         business differently. I’ve been
                        of innovative businesses are      “I’m on a mission to change   working with men for decades
                        being led by women. There's one   how we learn to do business.   and at D.I.N.O! I will reveal insights
                        issue though. Men approach busi-  There are inherent problems in   to help women pull from the
                        ness differently than women. It's   the status quo process of starting   good that men do in business,
                        part of why men have dominated   and growing businesses. Building   and strengthen it with our own
                        in this arena for years.       better business, by building bet-  feminine assets.”
                           “Dare to Be D.I.N.O!” is a   ter education, to create better en-  If I must say so myself, I have
                        unique three-day hands-on learn-  trepreneurs can stop this vicious   to agree. Over the years inter-
                        ing opportunity where you will be   cycle. I have been bridging the   viewing subjects for our publica-
                        inspired, supported and educated   gap in planning, instruction, and   tion I have found that the women
                        on how to Raise the Bar In Body,   implementation for years with pri-  I have interviewed have always
                        Mind & Business! You will learn   vate and small groups of clients.   been willing to share not only
                        how to Go from Vision to Victory   Their positive, consistent growth   their knowledge, but their centers
                        and Pivot Into Profits. And…   shows me I’m doing something   of influence as well.

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