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Fabulous Finds
of Trileon™ — cushioned, stable and eyes, nose and lips and the bigger roller time you have the patch on. At the same
lightweight — allow us to produce a for forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, collar time, the paper patch allows the skin to
shoe weighing just six to ten ounces bones shoulders, wrists, and forearms. breathe, promoting skin restoration and
that is comfortable with high-impact Available at repair. By holding the crease flat and
resistance and support. Trileon™ is used relaxed while you sleep the body can
in the shoes’ durable outsole and in the FROWNIES’ Moisturizer Face & Neck relax muscle memory. With FROWNIES’
removable, washable insole. The out- If you are using the right moisturizer, it you can smooth out wrinkles as soon as
sole and insole combine to produce the can build the lipid layer of your skin and you see them by using Frownies’ Wrinkle
unique comfort experience, which is the give you more solid support under the Treatment Patches a few nights a month
“WOW” factor in all SoftScience™ shoes. top layer of cells. Moisturizer Face & Neck directly over the lines. Lines that are in
The Trileon™ insole provides superior Gel Cream contains ceramides and high their early stages will be softened in
comfort and stability, but you can also levels of naturally occurring vitamin E, three to five nights, deeper lines taking
remove and replace it with your own acting identically to skin membrane to longer. 144 PATCHES IN A BOX
custom orthotic. For more information support the structure of the skin and Available at
or to order these fabulous shoes visit improve skin appearance. FROWNIES’ Moisturizer Face & Neck FROWNIES’ Rose Water Hydrator Spray
contains plant-based antioxidants and with Essential Oils
8. FROWNIES’ Rose Quartz Roller peptides in an Aloe base. Apply it at night Frownies Hydrating Spray compliments
How many times have you gone to the on the entire face and neck area. You will the pH balance of the skin. Women who
mirror first thing in the morning and notice the difference in no time at all. use Frownies Hydrating Spray say it helps
found lines and puffiness there that was Available at reduce the appearance of pore size and
not present when you went to sleep? plumps fine lines and wrinkles.
Well have no fear FROWNIES now has the FROWNIES’ Facial Patches The Rose Water Hydrator was created to
solution, and it isn’t harsh chemicals or This product has been around for de- enhance the effectiveness of FROWNIES’
poison injected into your skin. It is a Rose cades, and it still manages to do a better facial patches. Before applying the patch-
Quartz Roller. It has been shown that job than all of the latest and greatest es spray the adhesive side with Rose
gentle massage helps to eliminate toxins wrinkle removal products. They help to Water Hydrator Spray to make it sticky
and promotes blood circulation which soften and smooth the appearance of and then flatten out the patch and apply.
lifts and firms the skin. deep wrinkles or fine lines mechanically Rosewater is a wonderfully refreshing
FROWNIES chose Rose Quartz for its instead of with harsh chemicals or nee- pick up after exercising, during air travel
known antibacterial properties and dles. These patches address the problem or anytime a warm, dry environment
healing emotional stress. Use the Rose of wrinkles between the eyes, often threatens to dehydrate and age your skin.
Quartz Roller consistently, and in just called the elevens, and also horizontal Frownies Rose Water Hydrating Spray can
a few weeks you will see a significant forehead wrinkles. be used throughout the day to refresh
difference. When they say that they work mechan- the face and neck. Carry it in your hand-
The cooling stone also eases head- ically what they mean is that the mus- bag and freshen the face as needed. Not
aches and painful sinuses. The roller has cles of the face cannot move under the just another toner or water spray “Beauti-
two different size rollers at each end. Use patch, which keeps you from frowning ful Skin in a Bottle
the smaller roller for areas around your or expressing while you sleep or any Available at