Page 41 - Dr Tess
P. 41

He Said                                                                                 She Said

                                                                Photos by Lisa K. Miller
                                 Robert                                       Judith A.
                                 Tussey                                         Habert

           If ever there was a time in history when society should wake,   First, I would like to thank Bob for his kind words. It is men
        it is now. Change comes slowly. Laboriously slow. But…it comes.   like Bob who support women in everything they attempt that
        On all fronts. The struggle for Civil rights and injustices should   helps makes our growth possible. So kudos to you Bob.
        have been in the rear view mirror a long time ago. They’re not. A   I must say I am glad I’m not a young person trying to find
        woman’s ‘place’ should be anywhere she wants. It’s not. Education   my way at this time in history. Things were always tough, but
        should be the best in the world. It’s not. Generations of antipathy   they never seemed quite as difficult as I sense it is for our young
        have led us to a place where a college education is an amalgam   people today.
        of accomplishment and crushing debt. The middle class should be   Getting a college degree is a challenge, which unfortunately
        the stalwart of a strengthening society. It is not. This isn’t about   this new generation doesn’t feel is as important as back in my
        politics or who’s on whose side. This is the conundrum of change.  day. College for many is financially out of reach which is sad, as
           Men, women, and children are the future. Not mechanized   where does that leave the future of our country if our youth is not
        assembly lines and robots. But where do we fit in? Where is the   adequately educated and prepared to take over the country.
        path to follow? Where it’s NOT is where we are going. Paradise   I feel as if true education and knowledge is, unfortunately,
        lost, and a Pumpkin Spice Latte have become allies in the   lacking in our youth. Some colleges fear to discuss issues in
        conversation. We are looking for answers to questions we can’t yet   their entirety and instead focus alone on their beliefs instead
        frame. Simply put, we’re all armchair quarterbacks in this game,   of allowing free discussion and inquiry on all sides of an issue.
        and no one has all the answers.                         College back in my day, encouraged differing opinions and as a
           I know this is cryptic, but that’s what life feels like today. The   result, we all learned tolerance of views that were not our own
        last three generations have had opportunities unlike any before.   as well as actual facts about each side of the issues. Today it
        But they are finding out that what was true when they were   appears as if sound bites are being repeated over and over again,
        eighteen isn’t true at twenty-five. Oh, we Boomers did too, but   but if the person reciting these statements is questioned more
        it was never on the scale we see today. College debt is crushing   in-depth, there are no answers, simply because they are only
        the spirit of far too many. Home ownership is a distant prayer.   repeating what they have been told and never inquire further
        Financial stability is iffy at best. Women are becoming stronger   into the reason for these statements. There are good colleges out
        and speaking truths that have remained hidden far too long.   there, so do your homework, look for financial assistance and
        Women are taking a major role where their male counterparts   scholarships, and if you still can’t manage it now, realize that
        once ruled. The dynamic of genders is changing: As it should.   you are never too old to learn. Work and save so you can get the
           The giddy day-to-day travails between men and women will   education you desire. This will allow you to graduate ready to
        probably never change. We’re going to tease each other about   take the reins.
        clothing, cooking, and kids, et al. But we men have a larger   That being said, much of what is happening today was bound
        responsibility to women and to themselves. Most are stepping up:   to come about at some point. Women are now speaking out
        Those that don’t will find themselves out of the arena. But this   against injustice without the fear of doubt or reprisal, or loss of a
        level of turmoil isn’t new. It’s the pendulum of societal change.   hard-earned career position. This is definitely a positive step for
        It’s that dichotomy of the Peace and Love generation who also   womenkind. Though, as in any newsworthy event, there may be
        brought down a President and ended a war.               those who will try to benefit off the pain and suffering of others,
           The cliché of ‘older folks’ being afraid of change is simply   so we must always be cautious of taking everything at face value.
        not true. I am watching this unfold from the front row. I am a   The lines need to blur some, and we need to work together
        participant in this change. The women’s movement, Me Too!,   if we are going to work at all. There are good and bad in both
        and so many of the other groups are necessary, if not mandatory.   sexes, so no strong lines need to be drawn. What we should do
        Voices need to be heard, and actions must be taken. But, it WILL   is draw all of us together to fight to right the wrongs. Yes, there
        take all of us to build and sustain this power.         are many good men like Bob out there who don’t let gender, race,
           Again, this isn’t about political differences or the animosity it   religion or political affiliation cloud what is often right in front of
        creates.                                                their eyes.
           Judith has done a miraculous job with San Diego Woman   We have come this far in our fight for equality we can’t let
        Magazine. She has given voice where there was none. She has   divisive times ruin all that we have accomplished. Don’t just
        taken action. It is this example of the strength and power of   repeat what you hear, get educated. There are many great schools
        women I applaud. But, she is one of a large (and growing) group   out there, take advantage of them and don’t be afraid to always
        of women who will change the world and make it better. Props   stand up for what you believe. That is how we as women got the
        where they are due. But remember, there are a lot of us guys who   rights we currently have. We can’t stop here.
        are right there beside you.

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