Page 4 - Dr Tess
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Letter From the Editor Letters to the Editor
I had never heard of TMS or Transcranial
Dear Readers, Magnetic Simulation until I read your article
about Dr. Inamdar. I have been looking for
Welcome to our Education answers for my sister, and this just might be it. I
issue. I am a firm believer that our have shared it with her, and she was excited to
give it a try. Thank you for printing this article as
journey through life should always it may just change my sister’s life.
include education. Regardless of ჸ Josie from Del Mar
how young or old you are the old
Photo by Lisa K. Miller adage “You learn something new the mom of an infant, I totally understand every
I loved your article on Sleep deprivation. As
every day” is and should be true.
Over the years, life changes, we
word of the article. Thanks for letting me know
that I am not alone.
change, and the world around us
changes, so to keep in tune with
what is going on around us educa- ჸ Julie from La Mesa
tion is the answer. I love reading your magazine and hearing
Perhaps you have never gone on to get that MBA that was about the wonderful things that our women do.
part of your game plan. Take some time and read our feature It is so encouraging. Thank you.
on one of the best colleges around, Point Loma Nazarene Uni- ჸ Anita from Carlsbad
versity. Not only do they have a great MBA program, with tons
of flexibility, but they are now offering a Women in Business Whose ever idea the San Diego Kids Sec-
Scholarship. So check them out and see if you can finally make tion was should get a raise. Now not only does
your magazine inspire me, but my 12-year-old
that dream come true. daughter as well. Thanks, San Diego Woman for
Our Cover Girl Dr. Tess and her husband Dr. Lee have cre- doing it so well.
ated an amazing supplement program to help your brain obtain ჸ Andi from San Diego
all of the natural elements to operate optimally. I have personally
been a follower and user of the Liveli program, and I can honest- Thank you for your Service San Diego
ly tell you it works. Read the amazing story about how Dr. Lee Woman. Your service to veterans. I loved the
turned a horrible life-altering event into Liveli, now available to section on women in the military. I think most
help us all. people believe that women in the military still
Higher education often leads to great entrepreneurship. Read don’t hold important jobs. Your section showed
otherwise. As a Navy veteran, I know women
our story about Silvia Mah who invests in women to help them are making great strides in the service of our
live their dreams, and don’t miss her daughter’s breathtaking country. Thanks for sharing this information
photo spread and article in our Kid’s Section. with your readers.
These are but a few of the great features in our Education ჸ Mary from San Diego
Issue. Take some time, read our issue and learn what our women
are accomplishing every single day. I loved the article on Lonnie Murray. It is re-
Thanks for reading our magazine, and always remember we freshing to see a woman in such a male orient-
are always looking for new women to feature if you are one, or ed business. It really proves that women can do
know one, email me at Thanks anything. I loved reading her story.
for reading! ჸ Lucille from Rancho Bernardo
We loved the Pearls of Wisdom article. You
Warm Regards, know when you read an article written by
Judy such intelligent people that you have to stop
what you are doing and just listen to what you
are being told to do. I am going to pay close
attention to the information in that article. I am
certain it will work.
ჸ Connie from Encinitas