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Women of Distinction

        partnership with the Women’s Business   It is a casual coffee table conversation   and get their story out. (You can view
        Center to assure getting to their pro-  between Silvia and the investor, bringing  one of her interviews at: https://www.
        gram is not an obstacle that will stand in   to light individuals who are generally
        your way.                           behind the scenes. She is also currently   She often invites them along should
           Hera Labs has several programs,   writing a book of the same name, which   she have out of town speaking engage-
        their Launch Intensive is for those   will allow readers an insight into these   ments or trips out of the country. Silvia
        with an idea that they want to bring to   investors as well as her own story and   wants them to be happy that their mom
        market, their Scale Intensive, if you want  her startup portfolio of 28 investments.   is working to make life better for as
        to grow an existing business or change   You can download the podcasts off of   many women as she can. As a result,
        direction to improve a product or ser-  iTunes or youtube.               they don't resent the fact that their
        vice. So regardless of where you are on   As I often do when I am interview-  mom is a working mom, but instead,
        the scale of things, Hera Labs can be of   ing a Woman of Distinction, I asked Sil-  have learned lessons that she already
        assistance. If you feel you qualify please   via for some tips on how women can be   sees them implementing. "The time for
        go online and fill out an application and   successful in the entrepreneurial world.   feeling guilty for being a working mom
        watch your dreams become a reality.   She offered us the following:      is over; today our children can relish
        Along with 3 other partners, Allison   1.  Be true to yourself and your idea.  the fact that they have mothers who are
        Long Pettine, Vidya Dinamani, and Eric   2.  Relationships do matter.    making a difference in the world." Silvia
        Gasser, they launched another venture   3.  Integrity is important. It is the core   Mah is definitely making a difference.
        equipping women with business skills,   of who you are.                     To learn more from Silvia and her
        Ad Astra Ventures, which includes an    Another factor that is extremely   tribe of fellow investors and mentors,
        investment of 20K for existing busi-  close to Silvia's heart is the fact that   the opportunity is yours at Hera Venture
        nesses with proven traction where they   women need to practice work-life in-  Summit, taking place at University of
        walk you through a ten-week program   tegration. Being a mom of three, Silvia   San Diego on Saturday, Sept. 15. The
        to transform you into the confident   knows how important this is in her life.   one-day event will include an “entrepre-
        and strong business leader. In addition,   Although she works Monday to Friday,   neur track”, an “angel investor track”, an
        to keep up with the innovative ideas,   she spends evenings and weekends with   experiential gamified venture fund ses-
        Silvia teaches and serves as the Student   her children and is even a dance Mom   sion, and pitch competition. To purchase
        Programs Director at the Office of Inno-  to her 12-year-old daughter Sofia who   a ticket, please https://www.heraventure-
        vation and Commercialization at UCSD   is a competitive dancer. All three of her
        where student-led startups launch and   kids Alexio her 19-year-old, Matteo her
        scale.                              15-year-old and Sofia her 12-year-old   To learn more about Hera Labs,
           Silvia currently added another   are often included in their mom’s work   please visit
        element to her already busy schedule,   agenda; Alexio produces videos for Hera  or follow the nonprofit on Facebook and
        a podcast entitled “She Invests,” which   Labs and Hera Angels, Matteo is a fan-  Instagram. For more information about
        highlights the investors she works with   tastic event coordinator, and Sofia can   Ad Astra Ventures, please visit https://
        and the great things they are doing.   interview any investor or entrepreneur

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