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Women of Distinction
leadership, or executive level posi- 2. What leadership goals are part Advisors, Bank of America, and being
tion. We want to help level the play- of your career plan? named one of San Diego’s Top-50
ing field when it comes to women 3. How do you believe an MBA Influentials.
holding leadership roles in busi- will help you maximize your current Dr. McIlwaine had this to say
nesses. The numbers are still much potential now and in the future? about her colleague, “Dr. Reaser is
lower for women than for men. Our Once you have applied, the schol- a nationally recognized economist
goal is to help change this statistic.” arship committee reviews the appli- and probably the most brilliant and
The Women in Business Scholarship cation packet and looks for women humble person I have ever met. So,
is available to any woman applying whom they believe have substantial this is a truly unique honor to receive
to the MBA program regardless of leadership potential.” this scholarship. She is an amazing
whether they are in the Daytime, Although the MBA program is individual who is incredibly well con-
Evening, or Online program. a long-standing part of Point Loma nected. It is an excellent opportunity
if you are selected for this scholarship
program. In addition to the unparal-
leled education experience you will
receive — and the chance to work
one-on-one with Dr. Reaser — you
may have the opportunity to have
your findings published through the
Fermanian Business and Economic
Institute. This scholarship is a more
challenging one to obtain; in addition
to the normal application process,
there is also an interview process
where the scholarship committee,
along with Dr. Reaser, interviews and
selects the top candidate with the
greatest potential.”
PLNU offers four areas of concen-
tration within their MBA program.
One is in healthcare management,
one in innovation and entrepreneur-
ship, one in project management and
So, what are the criteria for a Nazarene’s offerings, the Women in one in organizational leadership. So,
woman to apply for the scholarship? Business Scholarship is a brand new there is an MBA program that varies
Dr. McIIwaine explains, “Eligibility addition. There are, however, several based on your area of interest.
requirements for the Women in Busi- additional scholarships available, one So, what makes Point Loma
ness Scholarship are of course that of these is for international students, Nazarene such a special place from a
the student applying is female and has another is for entrepreneurs, and yet student’s vantage point? “Our MBA
a 3.0 or higher GPA. The selection another is their Dean’s Scholarship. classes range in size from about
committee will review her academic There is also one other scholarship 15-20. This allows us to put a strong
achievements and look at her resume, which is limited to their Daytime emphasis on building relationships
both academic and professional, and MBA students. It is a research schol- with professors. This is a fantastic
the provided letters of recommen- arship that gives the recipient the opportunity for students to have a
dation. She will also be required to opportunity to work with Dr. Lynn personalized learning experience.
submit an essay with three questions Reaser. Dr. Reaser is one of PLNU’s There is a feeling of family here. The
that she must answer as part of the most prominent MBA faculty mem- personal and professional relation-
application packet. The three question bers, with a renowned reputation in ships with which our students leave
that we pose are the following: the economic world. Her background Point Loma Nazarene University
1. Why do you believe it is im- and experience include work as the will stay with them throughout their
portant to have women in leadership Chief Economist for the California entire career. I think what makes
positions? State Treasurer’s Council of Economic this program truly unique is our