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Women of Distinction

           OUISA LLANES,                                                                  mother agreed that she
        L#LoveWarrior, Christian,                                                         could get an apartment and
        Millennial, and although                                                          live independently on her
        it took some prodding, she                                                        own. With her new -found
        finally admitted to being a                                                       freedom, she decided to
        fox, made her debut into                                                          explore the dating world
        this world on February 25,                                                        and experience she did.
        1991. I choose to describe                                                        It was during these years,
        her with one word, survivor.                                                      she learned a lot about
        Some of us get through our                                                        men and relationships.
        childhood, while others,                                                          Her acquired knowledge
        including Louisa, survive it.                                                     did not go unnoticed; she
           Louisa was not planned,                                                        decided to put it to good
        but surprise surprise, she                                                        use. Ergo, with a passion
        became the fourth member                                                          for all thing’s marriage and
        joining her sister, mother,                                                       a commitment, she signed
        and father, of a family strug-                                                    up for a local Wedding and
        gling financially and emo-                                                        Event Certification Pro-
        tionally. Baby Louisa had no                                                      gram and became a full-
        idea that in a few short years                                                    fledged Wedding Planner.
        her parents would initiate                                                        (Who Knew?) It didn’t take
        a long and contentious                                                            Louisa very long to land a
        divorce. Louisa’s childhood                                                       job with a very busy com-
        memories began somewhat                                                           pany, and in a very short
        a skewed, as she was always                                                       time, this little dynamo was
        ‘daddy’s little girl’ and spent                                                   Super Wedding Planner by
        much of her time defending                                                        day — and night.
        his reputation. She remem-             Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions       After a few years of this
        bers being taken from class                                                       lifestyle, she realized she
        and answering endless                  What does                                  really had no life. Her cell
        questions about child abuse.                                                      phone was always attached
        As the years went by Louisa          Christianity,                                to her ear, and her laptop
        learned that daddy was not                                                        was like an extension of
        her protector, but actual-                wedding                                 her arm. So, unlike most,
        ly part of the mental and                                                         she decided it was time for
        physical abuse during her                                                         a “time out.” She craved to
        formative years.                   planning, and                                  have a relationship with ‘the
           At one-point, Louisa                                                           Lord’ top priority in her
        and her mother became                a fox have in                                life, and whereas it stood,
        almost homeless. After los-                                                       her top priority was the
        ing their condo, they were              common?                                   happiness of her clients.
        allowed a cabin located in                                                        In a spontaneous, yet wise
        a remote part of San Diego,                                                       decision, she ventured out
        45 miles east of Mission                                                          to the east coast where she
        Valley. They had no hot                      By Carol Heath                       attended Regent University
        water, no bathroom, no real                                                       in Virginia. For Louisa, this
        furniture of their own to   In fact, she speaks of it   portance of a relationship   was a chance to finish her
        speak of, just 4 walls and a   fondly as the experience   with the Lord, not simply a   Degree, learn more about
        sometimes-spider – leaky   taught her humility. She   religion.”                  God, and meet new people
        roof. Louisa does not regret  also became aware of, to    At the very tender      — and new men. And meet
        the time spent at the cabin.   use her words, “the im-  age of 17, Louisa and her   she did. But dating was only

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