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Women of Distinction
two states, and now there daughter. Through our con- and find myself again. I finally a 5-star dude ranch in Colora-
are events hosted in over versations, she decided she found my voice and was able do with 90 of her colleagues
40 states. We’re growing by wanted Living Benefits. About to leave the trauma of an from around the U.S., a family
double digits every year.” two years later, she went in abusive marriage.” reunion she’s really looking
So, what happens at these for a routine physical and was Nicole’s personal life has forward to. Plus, she’s on the
events? “Wine, Women & diagnosed with colon cancer. come full circle. Her son is brink of being promoted to
Wealth creates a safe place, She contacted me in the doing well and just started Executive Vice President and
a community, where wom- hopes that she could access college, and she is getting will marry the love of her life
en can freely ask questions. money to have alternative married this coming Decem- at the end of the year…And
We don’t discuss the hottest treatments. I was able to get ber. “I found a wonderful she says she’s just getting
investment tips, or where her $325,000. Not only did Retired Naval Officer who started!
to put your money. We talk After seeing the changes
about our money mindset, in her own life over the past
mental roadblocks that have seven years, Nicole is passion-
been put in our way that ate about hiring new women
limit our financial success as into an incredible company
women. There’s a network- and industry.
ing component that allows “After what Five Ring
women to make amazing Financial has created in my
connections. Some women life, I’m so excited to pay it
find their best referral partner, forward by mentoring other
their next best client or a new women who are looking for a
best friend. It’s really cool to new career. Whether wom-
watch this magic happen.” en are looking to get out of
In addition to hosting a bad situation or up their
women-centric events, Five game financially, Five Rings
Rings Financial also hosts a Financial is a place where
co-ed educational class called that can happen. They did it
Money 101. This event covers for me, and they can do it for
the 6 Key Money Principles you.”
that every American needs For more information on
to know, one of the most Nicole Caplette’s company,
exciting of those being Anchor Financial or to find
Indexed Accounts. “An index out how you can become a
account protects your money. Photos by SNAP Savvy Strategies part of Five Rings Financial
It shields the retirement contact Nicole at:
dollars you don’t want to lose she get the treatment she is truly a gentleman. He is
from any downside risk due wanted, but she was also able extremely supportive. He is Nicole J Caplette
to stock market loss, while to have some much-needed always there for my son and Anchor Financial
giving you upside potential travel time with her young me. He is trustworthy and has Executive Vice President
without any fees. Plus, if this daughter.” (See the testimo- the most integrity of anyone I Five Rings Financial
account is set up properly, nial video link below to hear have ever known.”
you could access all that the whole story). This past year has been
money tax-free.” Not only does Five Rings record-breaking for Nicole. (858) 705-3644
Another key concept we Financial help their clients, She ended last year as the
cover in Money 101 is Living in Nicole’s case, it was her #2 producer at Five Rings Fi- Testimonial Video:
Benefits. If a client becomes lifeline. “After 20 years in an nancial for the Index Account
seriously ill, they can access a abusive marriage with an al- portion of the businesses, Website:
cash reserve that helps them coholic husband and a special which qualified her and her https://livingbenefitsexperts.
cover all of their expenses needs son, I was in survival fiancé for an all-expense com/nicole
so they can focus on getting mode with no self-esteem. paid Alaskan Cruise. She was vCard:
better instead of worrying Finding Five Rings Financial invited as a VIP speaker to
about money. “As an example, changed my life. It saved my address a room full of 300 of Facebook:
one of my clients who was life. The personal develop- her peers about the power of
a healthy vibrant woman ment, the support, and the Living Benefits. She’s about to njcaplette
from Germany came to me loving environment gave me attend Five Rings Financials’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.
about saving money for her a place and a space, to grow Annual Leadership Retreat at com/in/ncaplette/