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Women of Distinction

          Nicole J Caplette

                   A LIFE-CHANGING

                CAREER TRANSITION

                      By Judith A. Habert

           VER THE YEARS THAT I    own business, she felt that to
       Ohave been interviewing     run their company effectively,
        women for our “Women of    she needed more business
        Distinction” feature, I have   and accounting knowledge,   Photos by SNAP Savvy Strategies
        been amazed by the strength   so she enrolled in a vocation-
        and courage of women.      al school. She soon had the
        When women are referred    entrepreneurial bug as well
        to as the “weaker sex,” I have   and started a second business
        to laugh. Our featured ladies   as a Certified QuickBooks
        have overcome obstacles and   Pro Advisor. “I would partner
        prospered. Nicole Caplette, of   with small business owners
        Anchor Financial, and partner   and oversee their staff on a
        with Five Rings Financial is   monthly basis and do the   I discovered one of their   felt aligned with the mission
        one of these women.        higher end accounting for   missions is to educate and   of reaching Middle American’s
          Nicole was born and raised  them.”                  empower women, especially   with much needed financial
        in Salt Lake City, Utah, where   While working in her new   regarding money. When I   education. For many years
        she studied cosmetology and   business, Nicole met a wom-  learned this, I immediately   the industry has focused
        worked in a corporate retail   an who was in the financial   knew this is what I was look-  on working only with the
        hairstyle establishment where   services field who invited her   ing for. I said, how do we get   wealthy. Now it’s time for us
        she quickly moved up the   to join a category exclusive   started?”               to change that. We work with
        ranks to management.       networking group. “We want-   Unfortunately, over the   those who have been ignored
          Shortly after Nicole met   ed to see how we could col-  years, stress at home was   and invisible to the financial
        her former husband, they   laborate and help each other   building for Nicole. Her son   industry through an educa-
        married and moved to Las   grow our businesses. I was re-  was diagnosed with Atten-  tional approach that meets
        Vegas where their son, Aaron,   ally intrigued by some of the   tion Deficit Disorder (ADD),   people where they are and
        was born. When he turned   things she shared with me. I   which had only been partially   supports them in creating a
        one, they decided to move   started exploring her compa-  accurate, she later found out   life they love.”
        back to Utah so they could be   ny by attending their training   that he was on the Autism   Five Rings Financial has a
        close to family. Unfortunately,   sessions. After attending a   Spectrum. Her former hus-  mentorship and leadership
        they soon realized that their   few trainings, I realized that   band, who was an alcoholic,   program which guides new
        son had developed severe   the company’s values didn’t   had become abusive. Nicole   team members in building
        asthma and could not handle   align with mine. Fortunately,   felt trapped with no way out.   a successful business in a
        the climate. After a serendipi-  as a result, I became interest-  That was until she found a   proven model. “I can per-
        tous dinner with friends who   ed in learning more about the   supportive community within   sonally attest to the power
        told them how much they    financial industry.”       Five Rings Financial that pro-  of mentorship. It completely
        loved San Diego, Nicole and   Shortly thereafter Nicole   vided her with the self-confi-  changed my life. Through
        her family decided to relocate   attended a Wine, Women   dence and strength to change  the mentorship program,
        to San Diego. Within less than   & Wealth event, hosted by   her life.            I built my confidence and
        two years their son’s condition  Five Rings Financial and she   As Nicole dug deeper into   began hosting Wine, Women
        had improved so immense-   immediately knew she had   her career, she embraced    & Wealth events, the same
        ly that he no longer even   found her home in the finan-  what made the company so   events that attracted me to
        needed to be on any asthma   cial industry. “I learned about   different, their passion for   this industry. Wine, Women
        medication.                the values, the culture, and   helping people. “That is why   & Wealth events are hosted
          When Nicole’s former     the heartfelt servant leader-  I was so enamored with Five   throughout the U.S. Twelve
        husband decided to start his   ship of Five Rings Financial.   Rings Financial. In addition, I   years ago they were in only

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