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Women of Distinction

                                    Bettie Youngs, Ph.D., Ed.D.

                                     A WOMAN WHO MAKES THINGS HAPPEN

                                                               By Judith A. Habert

                                                               Photos courtesy of Bettie Youngs
                                   ego was an amazing ca-      various publishers. Stellar   Jenny Craig; former US
                                   reer opportunity. In 1980   reviews followed, the likes   President Bill Clinton; Rev.
                                   Bettie was SDSU’s finalist   of movie producer Joan    Robert Schuller, Founder,
                                   in a national search for a   Marx, "Bettie has an ab-  Crystal Cathedral; Rosalynn
                                   Graduate School Professor   solutely beautiful style of   Carter, former First Lady of
                                   in Administration, Manage-  writing—passionate, poetic,   Georgia and the US; Larry
                                   ment, Leadership. As Bettie   strong and intelligent. But   King; Deepak Chopra; sing-
                                   explains, “It was an exciting   what elevates her to an elite   er-songwriter Naomi Judd,
                                   time and change was in the   league of writers is that   actress Jane Seymour—to
                                   air. Finally, it was no longer   through her writing she   name a few. Oprah Winfrey
                                   enough to have been a good  has an indelible voice. You   named “The House That
     Photo By Martin Mann Photography
                                   coach to be at the helm     don't see that all that often.   Love Built, The Story of
                                   of a school or university.   It's rare, it's special, and it's   Millard and Linda Fuller
            r. Bettie Youngs is truly  However, more and more   simply a captivating style   as an “Oprah & Friends”
       Da woman who makes          women were vying for ad-    for the reader."           selection.
        things happen. After spend-  ministrative jobs in school
        ing some time with Bettie, I   leadership. So, we put new
        can honestly say that I have   credentialing standards
        never been as impressed    in place at the State level,
        with a woman as I am by    revamped the program, and
        her. Not only will you be im-  opened the Calexico and
        pressed by her remarkable   north county campuses—
        accomplishments over the   for starters.”
        years, but she is probably     She also started In-
        one of the nicest and most   ternational Leadership
        unassuming women I have    Conferences for Women.
        ever met. I have known Bet-  Through these conferences,
        tie casually for many years,   Bettie brought together
        as our paths have often    the thought-leaders of the
        crossed, but it was an extra   times. In the early years,
        privilege of sitting down for   it was Bella Abzug, F. Lee
        this interview.            Bailey, Gloria Steinem,
           Born and raised in Iowa,  Millard and Linda Fuller,
        a Midwest girl, Bettie grew   Betty Friedan, Governors,
        up on a farm and went on   Congressman, and many of       Her list of reviewers are   In addition to her books
        to attend Drake University,   San Diego’s power players.   as dazzling as her reviews,   for adults, she has authored
        in Des Moines. She began   These conferences were a    and include a long list of   the wildly popular 12-book
        her career as an educator   huge success, drawing from   notables, among them, poet   teen series with her daugh-
        in the Des Moines public   audiences around the coun-  and playwright Maya An-    ter, Jennifer. The series,
        school system, and in her   try. With this foundation,   gelou; Stephen Covey; Ruth   “Inspirational Short Stories
        fourth year was awarded the   she created the popular an-  Stafford Peale; former Sec-  and Encouragement on Life,
        Distinguished Iowa-Teach-  nual meetings in San Diego,   retary of Defense William   Love, Friendship and Tough
        er-of-the-Year. She went on   “101 Powerful Women and   Perry; Mother Teresa (who   Issues—has more than
        to earn a Ph.D. in Psychol-  a Few Good Men.”          said, "Your words create   2 million books in print
        ogy and later, an Ed.D. in     Along the way, she      happiness and soothe suffer-  worldwide. She has even
        Administration.            wrote some twenty-plus      ing"); Football Hall of Famer  written two children's books
           What brought this       books (which are translat-  Terry Bradshaw; Florence   with her granddaughter
        Midwest girl to San Di-    ed into 28 languages) with   Henderson, actress, singer;   Kendahl.

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