Page 25 - Dr Tess
P. 25

Women of Distinction

        Dr. Tess & Dr. James                                                          thrown together as lab partners.
                                                                                      They worked side by side over a
                                                                                      cadaver, which was hardly a ro-
                                                                                      mantic setting, but the two prom-
        BUILDING BLOCKS TO BRAIN HEALTH                                               ising young medical students
                                                                                      soon fell in love. James laughs as
                                                                                      he recalls that time in their life,
                                By Judith A. Habert                                   “My joke about how we met was
                                                                                      that I guess I looked and smelled
                                                                                      better than the cadaver, so I got
                                                                                      her attention.” Tess adds, “James
                                                       single-handedly support the fam-  had a habit of humming while
                                                       ily and keep things going through  he was dissecting. I love to sing,
                                                       these tough times. I think this is   so I knew we had something in
                                                       where I get my drive.”         common, plus I thought he was
                                                          Dr. James Lee was born in   cute.” Music was a big part of her
                                                       Cleveland, Ohio, the son of two   life and helped to hold her family
                                                       physicians; his father, an OB-GYN  together during tough times,
                                                       and his mother, a family practi-  which led her to organize the first
                                                       tioner. From an early age, James   Stanford Medical School talent
                                                       knew he wanted to go to medical   show and she asked James to sing
                                                       school – he grew up listening to   a duet with her.
                                                       his parents discuss their profes-  Their duet led to dating and
                                                       sions around the dinner table   the couple married while still in
                                                       and quickly developed his own   medical school. At the comple-
                                                       passion for medicine. In pursuit   tion of his training, Dr. James
                                                       of his dream to be a doctor, he   became a prominent anesthesiol-
                                                       chose to spend his undergraduate   ogist in San Diego, and Dr. Tess
                                                       years at Yale University, where he   pursued dermatology, becoming
                                                       earned his Bachelor of Science de-  known as “America’s Favorite
                                                       gree in molecular biophysics and   Dermatologist” with multiple
                                                       biochemistry and confirmed his   locations of M Beauty Clinic
                                                       aptitude and love for science. Tak-  throughout San Diego and on
                                                       ing his education to the next level,  Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles.
                                                       James attended Stanford Universi-  Life was good. They started to
                                                       ty School of Medicine from 1994   grow their family with the birth
                                                       to 1999 where he met Tess.     of their daughter Jana, now a
                                                          Tess, on the other hand, was   student at Stanford, and son Mi-
                                                       awarded a scholarship from NCR   chael, who is only 12 but already
        Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions       (National Cash Register) and   well-advanced for his age. Little
                                                       decided to attend UCSD to study   did they know that their story-
                             HEIR BACKGROUNDS          electrical engineering. During   book life would soon come to a
                             couldn’t have been more   this time she realized her true   crashing halt.
                        Tdifferent. Dr. Tess Mauricio  love of medicine and drummed      One Sunday in March 2010,
                        came from humble beginnings.   up the courage to tell NCR that   Dr. James was finishing a case
                        Born in the Philippines and the   she wanted to be a doctor instead   – the surgeon was preparing to
                        oldest of four children, her family  of an engineer. To her surprise,   close up and finish and asked Dr.
                        immigrated to the United States   they agreed to honor her scholar-  James to give the patient appro-
                        when she was 12. “My mother    ship – Tess excelled and gradu-  priate medication. Dr. James
                        and father worked night and day   ated Summa Cum Laude. Like   picked up the bottle and inspect-
                        to try to make ends meet, and I   James, Tess decided that Stanford   ed it to ensure it was the correct
                        took on the role of caretaker to   University’s medical program was  medication, and suddenly he felt
                        my three younger siblings. My   the right choice, and NCR sup-  a pop behind his left eye, followed
                        father had a heart attack in his   ported her studies there as well.  by sudden vision impairment. He
                        40s and then sustained a back     During their first year at   saw only purple and the faded
                        injury, and I watched my mom   Stanford, Tess and James were   images of the physician whose

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