Page 28 - Dr Tess
P. 28
s a businesswoman, and more jobs require a
AI’ve long said that college degree of some
profit is not a four-letter sorts. And more and more
word. Indeed if a business for-profit schools offer a
isn’t making a profit, it’s range of choices.
not really a business. It’s Not all vocations
a hobby or perhaps just require a degree, however.
a waste of time. Profit is My younger brother is a
used to keep the business plumber. He learned the
going as well as to provide trade on the job with a
a living for its owners. And former boss. And he still
that’s the point, but what makes fun of me. With all
about a for-profit school? my college degrees vs. him
As an educator, I’m without any. And he earns
against them. In my experi- more in a month than I do
ence, they promise things in several. So, if its income
that cannot be delivered. that concerns you, you
And their promises are need to plan carefully.
what attracts people to You also need to con-
them. Mainly, they promise sider the expense side. The
to educate quickly. And for-profit schools do not
some things just cannot come cheaply and have not
be done in a hurry. But for been for some time. My
this promise, they charge a daughter’s friend went after
great deal. And people pay. FOR-PROFIT a license as an anesthesi-
Unfortunately, they ologist’s assistant some 20
to work for a well-known EDUCATION school she was attending
often don’t deliver. A close years ago. The for-profit
friend of mine who got
her MBA with me went
cost $9,000 when the same
fered by the local commu-
for-profit school that of- credential was being of-
fered nursing degrees. As By Sharon Hightower nity college for something
an RN herself, my friend like $20 per unit, but she
was an excellent choice for was in a hurry.
them as an administrator. I think lots of career
However, she didn’t stay erally, it took three years. that he would need a two paths could do without the
long after she discovered The big deal of the 60s was year administration of jus- traditional liberal arts edu-
that over 70% of their the plan for the communi- tice degree before applying. cation offered by most four
graduates failed the state ty college (called a junior Previously, becoming a po- year schools, and I’d like to
boards. Some things just college back then) to offer liceman was more like the see the return of vocational
cannot be learned over- a two-year degree. After military. One attended a arts in high school, but it is
night. They take time. which, one could take the boot camp sort of training what it is. As young people
And the suggested time state boards. Today, an RN and then learned the trade and old alike embark on a
it takes has been chang- requires a four year Bache- on the job, if you will. new career path, they must
ing for years. Nursing was lor of Science degree. The routes to a voca- weigh the pros and cons. A
my first career choice as Other career paths tion continue to change. traditional school can lead
a young woman, and the were changing as well. A High schools used to have you in a variety of direc-
route to becoming a nurse decade later when my hus- lots of vocational training tions, but you will get what
was different back in the band got out of the service, opportunities. Today, they you pay for. Not so in the
60s. Prior to that time, he wanted to follow his don’t offer many. The com- for-profit arena. Beware. Be
one learned on the job at childhood dream of being munity college has taken careful.
a teaching hospital. Gen- a cop and soon discovered that path over. And more