Page 27 - Dr Tess
P. 27

Women of Distinction

           First, I started eating to feed my   Designed to complement one       working and concentrating. He recom-
        brain. Our brain uses about 25-30%   another, Liveli’s three unique formulas   mends people take FOCUS Clearli™,
        of the calories we take in, so I wanted   – FOCUS Clearli™, SLEEP Peacefulli™,   after lunch, “I think it’s better and more
        to be sure my diet gave my brain what   and RESTORE Dayli™ – are designed to  effective than a cup of coffee with sug-
        it needed. This had to go further than   support brain health and function.  ar, which only lasts about an hour and
        diet. I had to add in the elements that   SLEEP Peacefulli™ features ingre-  a half before our bodies crash.”
        my brain and body required to repair   dients that help you sleep so you can   One of my main questions was,
        the injury it had sustained.”       wake up refreshed. Dr. Tess adds, “My   why doesn’t our body get this stuff
           This personal experience motivated  life is hectic. As a doctor, as a wom-  normally? Why do we need help? Dr.
        them to create something that could   an, as a business owner, as a mother,   Tess explains, “If our diets matched our
        not only help support overall brain   I thank God for Liveli, since I started   lifestyles, we wouldn’t need any help.
        health, but also help others perform at   taking it, I feel so much better.” Dr.   In our modern world, we are using our
        their highest potential, and that some-  James suggests taking this supple-  brains in ways we never have before
        thing was Liveli. Liveli is a collection   ment when brushing your teeth in the   – reading emails all day, watching
        of more than 70 ingredients assembled   evening. “By the time you are done   videos all day, being on the phone all
                                                                                 day. Liveli’s formulations help provide
                                                                                 the brain with many of these natural
                                                                                 elements, as many are supported by
                                                                                 rigorous science.”
                                                                                    Dr. James adds, “Liveli is not meant
                                                                                 to combat a particular disease, it is de-
                                                                                 signed to give you the building blocks
                                                                                 and essential minerals to give your
                                                                                 body and brain as much as science has
                                                                                 to offer to function optimally, so the
                                                                                 body can do what it needs to combat
                                                                                 disease. Some of the scariest diseases
                                                                                 that most of us fear, such as dementia
                                                                                 and Alzheimers, are linked to not hav-
                                                                                 ing good sleep or dealing with things
                                                                                 like jet lag.”
                                                                                    The two doctors believe in this
                                                                                 product so strongly that they’ve made
                                                                                 a believer out of their 19-year-old
                                                                                 daughter, Jana, who is a sophomore
                                                                                 at Stanford with a hectic and stressful
                                                                                 schedule. I would also like to add that
        into specific, holistic formulations,   with your evening routine, you can lay   I am personally a huge supporter and
        many of them backed by diligent sci-  in bed with soft lighting or no light-  user of the Liveli supplements. I have
        ence, and intended for the sole purpose  ing, and feel like you can naturally fall   mentioned in previous issues, I suffer
        of improving brain health. Dr. James   asleep.”                          from severe and constant tinnitus and
        says, “I’ve broken them up into a sys-  To achieve our peak potential, we   rarely got a night’s sleep until I started
        tem of three unique products, each one   need targeted nourishment that helps   taking these products.
        designed to help the brain navigate its   our neurons communicate effectively   Dr. Tess was right when she said
        various phases in different cycles.”  and fire throughout the day. RESTORE   there is a reason for everything. Dr.
           Dr. Tess believed in her husband’s   Dayli™ is Liveli’s multivitamin formula   James explains, “As I started getting
        method and approach to supplementa-  with ingredients that help nourish the   better, I knew one thing – I wanted
        tion and supported him throughout the   brain and support cognition. Dr. James   to share with the world not only the
        whole process. “Looking back at my be-  suggests taking this supplement in the   product, but how I came to it. I am not
        lief that everything happens for a reason,  morning when you are brushing your   just a physician, but a patient who has
        I now know I was right. Out of James’   teeth.                           survived a very dark time in my life
        illness came the inspiration to create   “When you’re sharper, steadier and   and because of this I am now a better
        the Liveli brain health supplementation   simply clear, you can make the most   person.”
        system. The reason for the tragedy he   of your time. That’s how we make the
        suffered was so James could create a pro-  most of ourselves,” says Dr. James. FO-  Liveli products are available di-
        gram to revolutionize brain health and   CUS Clearli™ has ingredients that help   rectly from their site at https://jointhe-
        provide these products to help others.”  activate the brain when it needs to be

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