Page 26 - Dr Tess
P. 26

Women of Distinction

        surgery he was attending. The medical   this and my strong faith in God, I knew   tioning there isn’t much you can do. I
        staff knew something was wrong as Dr.   He would see me through these rough   had no memory of my score or how I
        James fell to his knees. Even in this im-  times. I prayed so many times during   played the week before. I was unable to
        paired state he was able to complete his   the day for strength and guidance. I   communicate with any friends since I
        job and wake the patient after which, he  also believed that there is a reason for   didn’t remember them.”
        and the patient were both wheeled out   everything. On the outside, I hid what   Feeling imprisoned, he believed he
        of the operating room on stretchers.  was going on. I felt there was no sense   could hear himself thinking and trying
           A battery of tests followed, finally   in being negative. I knew I was blessed   to complete tasks, but it took so much
        leading to a shocking diagnosis – he had  I had healthy children, a great husband,   time, and it hurt to do anything that
        a brain tumor on his pituitary gland. He   a great career, a supportive network of   required more than one step. Others
        recounts, “They put me on chemo and   family and friends and a profession that   noticed he was slow, lethargic, and
        the next six to nine months were a living  I knew would support my family. So I   didn’t move well. He now recalls his
        hell. I lost function, and my peripheral   was operating from a place of gratitude   thought process, “I’m still here, I’m still
        vision was severely affected. I was still   and a belief that this was all happening   thinking, I’m still working, but it’s like
        awake on the inside, but that was tough   for a reason.”                 in the highway of my brain, seven lanes
        to discern for anyone looking at me.                                     were shut down, and only three were
        My wife would watch me stand at the                                      working. I needed to figure out how to
        sink with my toothbrush in one hand                                      reorganize those three open lanes, but
        and the toothpaste in the other, and I                                   that’s not enough, I need to build new
        wouldn’t know what to do.” Since the                                     lanes.” Based on his knowledge of the
        pituitary gland controls so many differ-                                 brain and new understanding of the
        ent areas, including the disbursement                                    learning process, Dr. James knew that
        of hormones in our system, Dr. James                                     if he were to recover his missing brain
        experienced a multitude of negative side                                 function, it would require that he be
        effects from the tumor, some emotional                                   meticulous in building the foundation.
        and some functional. The medication                                         Motivated by the love for his family
        affected his emotions, and the tumor                                     and the desire to be a good husband
        gave him the hormones to the likeness                                    and father, he reached out to his father
        of a pregnant woman.                                                     for guidance and the family began the
           It was tough for his wife to wit-                                     healing process together. He had to
        ness the complete transformation                                         relearn everything that was previously
        occur of her husband and the father of                                   second nature to him. He remembers
        her children. “Before the diagnosis, I                                   telling himself, “I need to give my body
        thought he was going crazy. I thought                                    what it needs. I know medicine, I know
        he had early onset dementia. His mood                                    biochemistry and biophysics so let’s go
        changed, and he had fits of rage and                                     back and try to fix my brain. I focused
        frustration. James had a loss of energy                                  on the bio-nutrients that I knew my
        and interest in anything and slipped                                     body required. When thinking about
        into a severe depression.”                                               the body, you think about all the things
           I had to ask Dr. Tess how she man-                                    the body needs or uses when the brain
        aged to deal with seeing her husband go                                  is active or to create an active brain.
        through this.                           Dr. James recounts, “I was going   Supplements give our body what it’s
           She answers, “There was definitely a  through such a tough period that at one  missing from our diet, what we should
        lot of fear, uncertainty, and sadness be-  point, life just didn’t matter to me. Not   be taking in. How do we get all this
        cause I felt like I lost that person I knew   that I didn’t care. I could argue it either   working? We need the right mix of
        and loved … I suppose my feelings were  way, I could live, or I could die. That’s   amino acids supplied to neurotrans-
        similar to those who have had family   how far gone I was. I thought I had   mitters, the right mix of vitamins,
        members suffering from dementia.    married, I had procreated, and I had   minerals, and your metabolic fires are
        Then there was also the financial bur-  done what I was supposed to do as a   working. Tess and I explored supple-
        den of having a husband unable to work  being on this planet. So if I disappeared   mentation and searched desperately for
        and provide income, so I took over that   it wouldn’t matter.”           the ingredients that we knew, based on
        responsibility. Thankfully I had experi-  Between the medicine and the   our medical knowledge and expertise,
        enced this growing up and looked back   chemotherapy, he felt scattered and dis-  were most essential to improving brain
        on how my mother handled it all, so I   oriented but tried to deal with it as best   function.”
        knew I could. I was also blessed with   he could. “I thought, okay let me just be   Dr. James was relentless “I didn’t
        a great family whom all came together   retired, I will play golf, but that didn’t   care how long it took – I was going to
        to help during this time, and between   even work. When your brain isn’t func-  track down the solution.

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