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Women of Distinction
partnered with the City of San Diego; and its Founder, Maxine Mahon, who team of San Diego’s power-players to
Urban Corps of San Diego; and, Com- oversaw the growth of the California help launch the new Season. Deloitte’s
munity Housing Works to renovate Ballet School into one of the largest Bill Byers, a former Board member on
homes in City Heights that needed academies of professional dance in the Washington D.C. Ballet, also joins
both interior and exterior repair. These California, with three locations and the Board of Directors as an Officer. "It
renovations added to both the comfort over 800 students.” is an exciting group and a phenomenal
of families, as well as a much-needed California Ballet School is among Ballet company, and we’re having a lot
facelift for the community. the largest professionally staffed of fun.”
Bettie shares, “Wanting to test the schools of dance on the West Coast. California Ballet springs into
wings of other models for helping local The faculty have impressive perfor- action on Nov 9 and 10 at the Balboa
families get on their feet, our continued mance backgrounds and have danced Theatre with Noche Latina, the world
partnerships within the community with many of the most prestigious premiere of Jared's interpretation of
involved acquiring four blighted homes companies in the country. California the fiery Bolero featuring a live Cu-ban
and renovating them to the fullest Ballet is poised to continue its reign Band—and with a full-on party on
as the premier ballet company not stage after the performance. Then
only San Diego County, but Southern leading into the holiday season, we can
California. From their state-of-the- look forward to their rendition of the
art Main Center in Kearny Mesa to Nutcracker, again at the City Theatre
their three branch facilities in Liberty with performances December 14-23,
Station, Point Loma, and La Mesa, 2018. California Ballet's Nutcracker is
California Ballet is the industry leader not to be missed, a truly glittering
in the performing arts in Southern production; under the baton of Music
California. Director John Stubbs, Tchaikovsky's
Bettie is extremely excited about extravagant score comes to life with
the year ahead. "Mega-watt talent the San Diego Symphony.
Jared Nelson has just been named as With all of these accomplishments
Artistic Director; Jared has danced for under her belt it is not surprising that
extent possible. With the help of local presidents and first ladies from George in 2006, Dr. Bettie Youngs was a recipi-
agencies, we identified four families in H.W. Bush to Barack Obama. Jared ent of the San Diego Business Journal’s
need of housing and moved them into brings incredible new life and pizzazz “Woman Who Mean Business” and is
our four homes. It was a 5-year exper- to the company; he was a principal now on the panel of Judges for this
iment; our key mission was aimed at dancer for over 20 years and danced prestigious honor.
ourselves: to feel a great responsibility for the Washington Ballet in DC and Although this was a great honor to
to assist each family in becoming pro- the Boston Ballet among others. A Bettie, one of her greatest joys is being
ductive members of their communi- choreographer bar none, he originally mom to her daughter Jennifer and
ty—stable and thriving, competent and came to San Diego to bring The Great Grandmother to her 13-year-old
confident. That is exactly what hap- Gatsby to the Civic Theatre for Cali- Granddaughter Kendahl, who is the
pened. Helping these four families is fornia Ballet. At the helm of California light of her life.
one of the most satisfying "give-backs" Ballet is Michael Andrew Currey who If this article proves one thing, it’s
for which I've been involved.” joins California Ballet following a that San Diego is home to some
If by now you have not fallen in six-month search led by the compa- fabulous women—and Bettie is one of
love with this woman you do not have ny’s board of trustees and founding them! Thank you, Bettie, for all that
a heart! With a desire to help her “fel- director Maxine Mahon. Christopher you do and continue to do. You cer-
low travelor” and strong professional Wixom, MD who heads the Advisory tainly help to make San Diego a better
background as a professor, entrepre- Board has assembled an impressive place.
neur, Publisher, and all-around great
person, Bettie continues on her trajec-
tory in her leadership role for the Cali-
fornia Ballet Association. When Bettie
speaks of this honor, you can hear the
excitement she exudes. "Yes, it's thrill-
ing to be a part of this truly historical
company and with its exciting and
fresh and innovative plans for growth
and expansion in the years ahead. First,
there is the honor and appreciation for
California Ballet's rich 50-year history Image Courtesy of California Ballet