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Ask Dr.K! unique mix of skills to wind back the clock and mindful of making sure scars are
San Diego women benefit from this
beautifully hidden in the natural upper
20 to 30 years using life-saving breast eyelid fold and just below the lower
cancer plastic surgery techniques to tackle eyelid lashes. We want people to see the
aging. beauty of you!
A huge advocate for gracefully and
artfully maintaining youthful vibrancy, Dr. Q: Does insurance cover eyelid
Kadesky answers questions on one area surgery?
that he often answers in his practice: A: Patients with upper eyelids that
obstruct vision can get a visual field
Q: Is there one feature that first examination by their eye doctor. If the
reveals aging that is easy to change to visual field of view “cuts” are significant,
maintain a youthful appearance? insurance may cover the procedure.
A: The eyes have it! Yes, sagging Lower eyelids are only covered if the lid
upper eyelids and baggy lower eye- doesn’t make normal contact with the
lids create the impression that you are eyeball. We accept insurances and have
older than you really are. We have a few affordable payment options when insur-
seconds to make a great first impression. ance does not cover a procedure.
The eyes are called the “Windows to the
Photo Courtesy of Dr. Yale Kadesky Soul” because we focus on people’s eyes Q: What’s the post-op care?
to understand what’s going on inside A: Recovery is easy and quick. It
their mind/spirit. Sags and bags make involves three post-op days of cold com-
Local plastic surgeon Dr. Yale Kadesky the person look tired and worn down. presses to the eyes to resolve bruising
has pioneered an innovative technique Also, the beautiful color of the eyes is and swelling. On day 4, you can resume
that is giving San Diego women art like hidden in the shadow of these upper light activities with sunglasses and some
makeovers, nipping and tucking, lifting eyelid curtains. makeup. In 2 weeks, your eyes are big,
eyelids and saggy tummies empowering beautiful and bright. You look energized,
them to stay looking young and vibrant Q: What can be done about eyelids fresh, youthful, healthy and inspired!
gracefully! that are sagging and making women
Dr. Kadesky, an award-winning plastic appear older? BIO:
surgeon, made Escondido the home of his A: In our office, we regularly perform Yale Mitchell Kadesky, M.D. is a board
boutique private practice. Conveniently amazing transformations with our Mona certified plastic surgeon in North County,
located, when you enter his office, his love Lisa Package. This is a blended approach San Diego who calls his practice the “H-Art
of art, architecture, and family are quickly to restoring a more youthful look to of Plastic Surgery.”
revealed. He calls his passions and practice the entire face and neck in women. The The reason - He combines his great
“The H-Art of Plastic Surgery.” His patients Mona Lisa includes an eye lift. We also artistry with his very caring Heart to give
rave about his bedside manner, care, and can focus only on the eyes. his patients what is in their very best inter-
makeover results. Dr. Kadesky draws from The eyelid tuck, medically called est. He has a solution for every body – and
a diverse and unique background to create blepharoplasty, is performed in a fully face!
the affordable, realistic transformations accredited ambulatory surgical suite
his patients seek. located in my office. This procedure is
Graduating from John Hopkins Medical effective, safe, painless, fast, affordable, Have more questions about
School, he is a fully qualified general and and with almost invisible scarring. plastic surgery? Contact “Dr.K”
plastic surgeon. He is a Former Chief of I understand the concerns of how at
Plastic Surgery. He helped pioneer Liposuc- women want to be seen; beautiful and or schedule a complimentary
tion and the “Seamless” Breast Reduction confident with themselves. Opening up appointment at (760) 741-
technique. He also has specialized expe- the beauty of the eyes by artfully remov- 5466.
rience in understanding how skin grows, ing the puffy upper eyelids and baggy
heals and ages. One area of specialty sur- lower eyelids and restoring a healthy He would also love to see
gery was from his time working in the burn plumpness, my fully registered surgical you at the Successful Aging
field. He treated almost 400 burns in just team cares for you through the whole Expo October 27, 2018, at
one year, including two marines who had process. Twilight sedation or general an- Town and Country 500 Hotel
third-degree burns to 85% of their bodies. esthesia keep you relaxed and pain-free Cir N, San Diego, CA 92108.
These decades of experience have laid the during the entire procedure. Stop by his booth to meet him
foundation for his keen eye and skilled As an artist myself, when I perform in person.
hands that create the masterpiece of you. these makeovers, I am always intentional