Page 17 - Dr Tess
P. 17
Women of Distinction
part of how she gathered the tian Millennial in the 21st She learned many #Love Warrior, Millennial
knowledge needed to com- Century. lessons after lots and lots of fox, has a charming, unique
plete her latest adventure as Louisa has experienced research; one is that claim- style of relating her expe-
an author. so many things in her short ing to be a “Christian” man riences and is completely
The fuel in her tank? 27 years; however, the often makes very little dif- unaware of how truly
Her relationship with ‘the primary thing she wants ference in the way a woman different and amazing she
Lord.’ She communicates to convey to both men and is treated. She goes on to de- is. I loved every minute of
with Him often, and He women is something she scribe her perfect mate now, my interview with her that
does the same in kind. contemplates on a regular “A man with a good heart, was supposed to be 20 to
Louisa has always lived a basis: what are the applica- not necessarily simply one 30 minutes, and after 2 1/2
moral, ethical life because ble principles for a strong, that claims to be religious.” hours, I finally had to go
of this special relationship healthy, and happy relation- Louisa has figured out that as I had another appoint-
and in this day and age that ship. It is basic - but com- men are men, big, tall, little, ment. She is a real sweet-
is an accomplishment all by plex. She is not judgmental; short, whatever, they are heart with some wonderful
itself. She has experienced however, she always thought still just mortal men. Hard outlooks on life and how to
heartbreak, more than once, a relationship with a Chris- to live without them, and live it with a strong rela-
has most likely caused some tian man, one who believed even harder to live with the tionship with ‘the Lord.’
heartache, but has survived in the same morals and eth- wrong one. Oh, the answer to the title
it all, seemingly unscathed. ics, or at least they said they I haven’t read the book, is Louisa Llanes, just in
So much so, that she decid- did, would be more condu- yet, however when it comes case you haven’t come to
ed to write a book about all cive to what she wanted in a out I look forward to that conclusion.
her experiences as a Chris- lasting relationship. reading it as this Christian,