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Women of Distinction
Helping Clients Achieve Their Dreams
Photos Courtesy of Victoria Sandoval
environment than a work- clients. Their agency charges your husband? “I love it, she
place. I carefully interview only a 1.5% listing fee, they explains, for a marriage to
and select my team not only are veteran specialists, and be successful you have to be
for their qualifications, but work with many first time understanding of each other’s
based on whether I believe home buyer programs that career requirements and since
they will fit in with the rest of help with the buyer’s down real estate often involves eve-
our family.” payments. “We also assist nings and weekends, having
Victoria’s clientele is most of our clients with cred- a husband in the same or
diverse, and she loves work- its towards their closing costs. similar industry makes it a lot
HEN WE THINK OF ing with all types of clients, Getting most agents to give easier. Victoria and Abel are
Wthe perfect real estate although she admits that she back part of their commission the parents of two, Isabel who
professional, it conjures up an really enjoys first time home is like pulling teeth, but we is turning 17 and has dreams
image in our minds. When I buyers. “I love seeing how understand when you are a of becoming a Criminal Jus-
interviewed Victoria San- tice Attorney and a 12-year-
doval, I immediately knew old son, Daniel who loves
that I met the perfect agent. I animals and wants to become
realized after just a few short a veterinarian.
moments that not only was Not only do they have a
she beautiful on the outside, close-knit family at home, but
but inside as well. Though their office is an extension
she barely looks old enough, of this as well. With an open
she is a 16 year veteran of real office layout, everyone can
estate. Over her years as a communicate easily with each
top producing agent, she has other. The mentality of her
fine-tuned her skills to assure agents is to help one another
that her clients receive the succeed, since they believe if
best possible representation, one succeeds they all succeed.
in what is by far the biggest This was different than what
purchase that most people Victoria experienced with the
make in their lifetime. larger firms that had 200 or
Victoria is a native San excited they get when they first-time home buyer that it more agents.
Diegan, born and raised are finally able to become is hard enough to come up With a staff of about 20
in Chula Vista. Right after homeowners. I love guiding with the money to buy the agents, Select Premier Proper-
school, she took a job in them through the process and home so we do all we can to ties is diverse enough to have
the banking industry which especially seeing their faces help.” agents who speak and under-
eventually led her to her true when their offers are accepted, Victoria sums up her stand several languages. “We
love, real estate. This is a deci- and they get the keys to their feelings about what she does currently have agents who
sion she never regretted. She first home.” Being in business with the following statement, speak Spanish, Portuguese
started off her career working for 16 years has allowed her “My life purpose is to help and Tagalog. Being able to
for the big guys, Coldwell to watch couples go from that people. I feel that if what I am provide a client with someone
Banker, Prudential, and Keller first house to a bigger one doing isn’t helping people or who can communicate with
Williams. “I ended up taking when their family arrives to making their lives better then them in their native language
the best qualities of each their ultimate dream house. it’s a waste of time.” makes the transaction a lot
organization and incorporated “It is such a joy being part of Victoria’s husband Abel is more comfortable for those
them into the opening of my the whole process and growth a lender and works part-time whose first language is not
own agency. Select Premier of a family.” out of their Hillcrest Location, English.”
Properties, headquartered Victoria does all she can making Premier Properties I asked Victoria where
in Hillcrest California. “Our to make the dream of home a one-stop shop. I asked how she saw her agency going in
agency is more like a family ownership possible for her it was to work and live with the next five years. “I like the