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Women of Distinction
Point Loma Nazarene Announces New
“Women in Business” MBA Scholarship
By Judith A. Habert
Photos courtesy of PLNU
oint Loma Nazarene University full time working students who have One of the biggest deterrents for
Phas just announced a brand new been in the workforce anywhere from students obtaining their MBA is of-
scholarship available to women seek- five to twenty years. These students ten the cost involved to do so. Point
ing an MBA through their universi- attend classes two nights a week, Loma Nazarene has many scholar-
ty. It is the first time that they have taking two classes at a time with the ship opportunities available to help
offered a special scholarship just for program taking two years to com- alleviate the financial limitations
women, in the hopes that this will en- plete. Our second option is our Day- faced by many students. They have
courage more women to fill the need time MBA program, and that is for just announced the implementation
in the business community for more recent college graduates who decide of their newest addition, their Wom-
female leadership. to continue after college graduation en in Business Scholarship. “We
Point Loma Nazarene University
is one of the most well known and
respected universities in San Diego.
Their statistics speak for themselves,
with over 90% of PLNU graduates
who apply obtaining acceptance
to medical schools. The same high
standards apply to their graduate pro-
grams. Their MBA program is excep-
tional not only in content and concen-
tration but in the varied methods in
which you can attend their programs.
To make Point Loma Nazarene the
perfect spot to earn your MBA, they
have provided a format that works for
their students whether they are recent
college graduates or have been in the
workforce for years and now decided
to finally pursue their MBA.
There are currently three pro-
grams for MBA candidates from
which to choose. I had the pleasure to obtain their MBA. These students have created this scholarship pro-
of speaking with Dr. Jamie M. McIl- typically have zero to two years of gram to encourage women to earn
waine, who serves as the Associate work experience and attend the MBA their master’s degree and continue
Dean of Graduate Business Education program full time during the day. their education. In addition to the
at Point Loma Nazarene University. They attend classes Monday through scholarship award, we will match the
She provided a wealth of information Thursday for one year, at which point recipients with a mentor, providing
regarding the university and its MBA they have completed the curriculum them with encouragement and sup-
programs. Dr. McIlwaine explained, and will receive their MBA. The last port throughout the program. This
“We have three modalities in which program is our Online MBA which is not only for the brand new grad-
you can obtain your MBA. Each offers is ideal for the working student who uate but even for the more seasoned
the same curriculum, but the delivery wants to complete their MBA but businesswoman who can be helped
is a bit different. There is an Evening cannot get to classes on campus, so to leverage their MBA as a way to
MBA program, which is typically for they choose online learning.” advance their career and move into a
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