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Women of Distinction
faith-based approach to the business So how long does the scholarship than you may think apply, so your
world; we put a very strong emphasis application process take? “Once they chances of obtaining scholarships are
on ethics. This is true of both our have completed and submitted their often excellent if you are willing to
undergraduate and MBA programs. application to the MBA program, invest the time.”
Along with a strong emphasis on the they would then be eligible to apply Keep in mind also that it is not
importance of ethics in business, we for the scholarship. In general, most only colleges that offer scholarships,
also focus on developing leaders who applicants say that it takes about one but many organizations do as well, so
genuinely want to make a difference to two weeks to gather the necessary thoroughly research your options and
in the world. I think it is essential documents and complete the essay.” you may find out that you can afford
that we create business leaders who So, if you are awarded the Women a school that you previously thought
want to operate in a more ethical and in Business Scholarship, what will was out of reach financially.
meaningful way to have a positive be the monetary amount provided My last question to Dr. McIlwaine
impact on society.”
Another excellent quality of
the education that you will gain in
PLNU’s MBA program is that unlike
so many graduate programs that
are super competitive, Point Loma
provides a very supportive environ-
ment in their classrooms. It is very
collegial, very teamwork oriented,
very supportive of the team as a
whole. They are focused on finding
the individual student’s strengths.
It is indeed a good environment for
women to obtain a solid background
in the area of business.
I asked Dr. McIlwaine what sug-
gestions she would give to students
applying for PLNU’s MBA program:
“I would say do your research and
make sure you are a good fit for the
university. Keep in mind that when
we review admission and scholar- towards your MBA program? “The was why do you believe the Women
ship packets, we are looking to see Women in Business Scholarship in Business Scholarship is so import-
if the proposed candidate embodies comes with an award of up to $2,500. ant? “There are still some ceilings that
the character and beliefs that are Point Loma Nazarene has one of the we need to break through for women
important to us. If you believe you most reasonable tuition costs to ob- in business. I was thrilled when our
are a good fit, then be sure to tell us tain an MBA in San Diego. The cost is institution decided to create this
why you should be considered for a currently $845 per unit, and to com- particular scholarship. I think it is
scholarship or even admission into plete the MBA requires 42 units. So, an important way for us to encour-
our MBA program.” if you are one of the lucky recipients age women to go into business and
A quick note for prospective of the scholarship you will be getting to aspire to take leadership roles. I
students, be sure to check out the your MBA at an incredible value.” think there are a lot of opportunities
admission guidelines when applying. Dr. Mcllwaine adds an import- and great benefit for all of us if this
The next admission date is January ant insight for prospective students: happens.”
if you are interested in starting the “One of the realities that we have seen
Evening or Online MBA program is that students are often remiss in If you would like to apply for the
in the spring. The Daytime program applying for scholarships. There are a Women in Business Scholarship visit
only begins once a year in August, so variety of scholarships available; they
students can apply for the program may take some time and effort to file ate-studies
that will start in August of 2019. the applications, but fewer people