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Women of Distinction
                                                                     Women’s Museum

        size of my agency, I would not   cess of building your credit.
        like to get much bigger, 50   Remember to leave a reserve           of California
        agents maximum, although   of funds so that you have a
        we are considering opening   budget for improvements or
        additional offices, perhaps in   repairs. Always deal with an   13th Annual Women’s Suffrage Parade
        the Riverside area since we   agent with experience. When
        currently service that area as   you are buying a home, it is   On August 26th the Women’s Museum of California
        well as San Diego.”        an emotional purchase so       commemorated 98 years since the ratification of the
           Victoria was upbeat about   when you do interview an
        the current Real Estate Mar-  agent, and you say what your   19th amendment with a parade in Balboa Park. Women
                                                                  from organizations all over California showed up dressed
        ket. “To be honest the market   goals are, be certain that they   in white wearing sashes and buttons and waving equal
        is great right now. My last   are listening. A lot of agents   rights for Women signs.
        property sold in three days.   don’t really listen. You can   The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote in
        There are a lot of programs   also look at reviews of the   1920. The 15th amendment made it illegal for the federal
        out there to help buyers, I   agent before you make your   or state government to deny any US citizen the right to
        anticipate a shift may be in   final decision.            vote. For some reason, this did not apply to women. The
        the next year or so. Whether   Victoria’s agency, Select   19th amendment changed this by making it illegal for
        this will cause another bubble   Premier Properties, was   any citizen, regardless of gender, to be denied the right to
        to burst depends on lending   recently ranked in the top 100   vote.
        guidelines, if they remain   in the country on Social Me-    The movement to allow women the right to vote
        strict I don’t see this happen-  dia Marketing (70). Property   through the 19th amendment was the Suffrage move-
        ing. Next year should be a   Sparks ranked them #9 in San   ment. Well known women such as Susan B. Anthony and
        good one. Currently, this year   Diego. Select Premier Proper-  Elizabeth Cady Stanton were key figures in the Suffrage
        is the best we have seen in a   ties does everything possible   movement.
        while.”                    to make your buying experi-
           Having been in the      ence a positive one. “We have                                Photo by Maggie Ramos
        industry for quite a while,   strategic marketing plans to
        there was one question that   sell your home quickly and
        most potential homeowners   get you top dollar. With our
        need to know. How can a    experience and technologi-
        person prepare themselves   cally advanced systems, you
        to be able to qualify to buy a   are guaranteed to obtain the
        home? Victoria explains, “If   outcome you desire.
        your goal is to buy a house a   I always like to ask our
        year from now start inquiring   Women of Distinction for
        now. Give yourself time to   suggestions to share with
        prepare for this monumental   others who might want to get
        step in your life, since it is   into their field. “For anyone
        probably the most signifi-  wanting to get into the real
        cant purchase you will ever   estate business, I would give
        make. If you don’t thoroughly   them the following three tips.
        research your decision, you    1.Find a good mentor.
        may end up getting into a      2.Have at least 4-6
        property that you can’t afford,   months of funds in reserve so
        or into a neighborhood, you   you can work at real estate full
        don’t like. Before selecting a   time.
        real estate agent be sure to   3.Work hard. It’s easy
        Interview several and do so a   work, you just have to work
        year or six months before so   hard at it. If you fight for your
        they can help with the pro-  career, it will fight for you.”

           For More Information contact Victoria Sandoval at:
           Select Premier Properties
           Direct: 619-392-2455
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