Page 2 - SDWM Digital Version Mojo Cover
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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR                                     LETTERS TO THE


                                                                                        Everyone in our house loved the
                                                                                        story about Padre’s pitcher Joe
                                                                                        Musgrove’s Mom, Diane.  We
                                                                                        are huge Padre fans, and getting
                                                                                        insight  into  him  and  his  fami-
                                                                                        ly made us love him even more.
                                                                                        The dedication his Mom showed
                                                                                        to help Joe achieve his dreams
                                                                                        was incredible, especially with the
            Photo by Lisa K. Miller     Welcome to our latest issue of San Diego Wom-   his Dad became ill.  It shows how
                                                                                        trauma they lived through when
                                        Dear Readers,
                                                                                        important family is, and it is easy
                                                                                        to see how Joe grew up to be not
                                        an Magazine. I know you have all been patiently
                                                                                        only a great pitcher but also a
                                        waiting to see it. Unfortunately, I had three serious
                                        hospitalizations and two serious operations, the
                                                                                        their story with us.
                                        last one being lifesaving. So, as you can imagine,   great person.  Thanks for sharing
                                        the past months have been hectic. I want to thank       Andrea from San Diego
              everyone for their kind thoughts and wishes. I am so happy to be back at the keyboard
              writing to all of you and apologizing for our delay.                      We love that San Diego Wom-
                 The cover of this issue sports the latest new addition to Women’s Professional   an Magazine is an all-inclusive
              sports with our featured article about the amazing new Women’s Professional Volley-  publication. It  always presents
              ball team, “The San Diego Mojo” They are one of the most amazing teams of outstand-  amazing  stories  about people
              ing professional players that I have ever seen.  I had never attended a professional   of all races, colors, genders, and
              volleyball game until I was invited to witness them on the court.  I was astounded at   ethnicities. I love the feature on
              the athleticism and determination of this team.  It was one of the most exciting sport-  the Latina Book Festival, bilingual
              ing events I have ever attended, and trust me, I have been to hundreds of professional   articles, and coverage of our Mil-
                                                                                        itary. It is a pleasure to pick up a
              sporting events.  Take some time to read this feature and visit their site to order season   copy of each issue. It is a breath
              tickets for their upcoming season.                                        of fresh air!
                 For animal lovers out there, don’t miss our featured articles on Babs Fry, “The Pet
              Detective,” who saved countless dogs with her expertise when they went missing.  Also,       Lisa Ann from La Mesa
              The Animal Pad, another woman-owned and run animal rescue that, with the help of
              the Mexican authorities, recently saved over 400 animals from a fake animal rescue   Our family loves Diane Mus-
              operating across our border.                                              grove’s Coffee Stop in Alpine.
                 Are you an executive or management professional?  Have you struggled to gain the   Not only are the drinks amazing,
              skills needed to be a more effective CEO or manager?  Then you must read our feature   but we always look forward to the
              on Pamela Stambaugh, whose company, Accountability Pays Inc., has been helping to   special Joe Musgrove cookies.
              create outstanding leaders for the past 20 years.  Our article will give you great insight   Not only are they fun, but they are
              into how to be the best you can be.  After reading her feature, I am sure you will be   also delish!
              booking an appointment to learn how easy Pamela can make it to accomplish your       Annie from Alpine
                 Perhaps you are an aspiring writer?  Our feature on Rhonda Hayes Curtis is a   Your writer, C.F. Illingworth, is so
              must-read for you.  Rhonda is the go-to professional who can help you share your   funny.  We look forward to his
              story with the world through her amazing seminars. She runs one-day seminars and a   down-to-earth writing and his
              weekend seminar held in October at Pauma Valley Country Club.  I was thrilled to be   great sense of humor.  We want
              part of her last event as an instructor and plan to return this year.  It was truly an epic   more!
              event and I know this upcoming one will be even better, so check out her website and       Lindy from San Marcos
              sign up while spaces are still available.  I would love to meet you all at this amazing
                 With summer upon us, I know we are all looking forward to taking some vacation   I love reading your travel arti-
              time to relax and refuel.  Have a wonderful summer and thank you for being loyal   cles.  The article on Montepulcia-
              readers of San Diego Woman Magazine. Happy Tanning!                       no made it sound like a magical
                                                                                        place.  I have added this locale to
                 Warm Regards,                                                          my bucket list and hope to visit it
                 Judith A. Habert
                                                                                              Frank from Del Mar
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