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Women of Distinction
Diana Kelly majored in psychology. She had me peace of mind, knowing that my
Diana attended College and
son was being looked after while my
always been interested in behavioral
husband and I worked on building
psychology and knew this was the
for our family, especially my son and
career path she wanted to pursue. A our careers to ensure a stable future
dedication to this type of career takes mother.”
MAKING A DIFFERENCE many years to complete. Even after attributes, including resilience,
Diana's various skills and
graduation, there are residency and
training requirements; in Diana’s intelligence, courage, emotional in-
By Judith A. Habert case, life got in the way. “I faced dif- telligence, and determination, played
Photo By Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions ficulties in my life when my mother a significant role in her achievement
fell seriously ill and had to be hos- of an executive level position in the
pitalized. In order to support her, I corporate sphere.
had to start working three jobs while In addition to striving to be-
also attending school. Despite the come a successful executive and bal-
challenges, I successfully completed ancing the responsibilities of being
my studies, but had to put my dream a loving mother, wife, and daughter,
of becoming a doctor on hold and she also had a personal aspiration.
began searching for a full-time job to “One of the objectives I set for myself
continue providing for my mother's when I reached 20 was to achieve
care.” Diana was presented with an early retirement by the age of 50, and
opportunity to work at Home Depot, I successfully achieved this goal.”
and she recognized that she required Diana views her main accom-
a job that could provide stability, plishment in life to be her son, “I'm
which the company seemed to offer just so, very proud of the man that he
at this stage in her life. has become. I couldn't be happier.
Although it was not the plan at The kindness, awareness, strength,
the time, Diana’s job at this multibil- and humbleness that he shows make
lion-dollar company turned out to be me a very proud mother. He has
a career and a very good one at that. such a kind heart and is always will-
“With my major being behavioral ing to help anybody and everybody.
psychology, it turned out to be ideal He left work one night and got home
for the position I held working with a little bit later. And then we started
a lot of different personality types. talking about why he was late, and he
This job was a complete change for explained that when he left work, he
me. At first, I thought it would offer spotted a homeless person sitting on
me some good experience in a large the curb and asked him if he needed
work environment, but I soon found help. The gentlemen told him no;
out that I was very good at personal he was okay. Her son told the man,
relations. My education gave me a lot why don’t we do something? Let's go
of insight into dealing with people, to Walmart. So, he got him in his car,
which helped to make me a strong took him to Walmart, went shopping
leader. I quickly moved up in the for toiletries and some non-perish-
company.” able food, paid for everything, got
Diana vowed to herself that him back in the car and dropped
While traveling in Thailand, Di- glish. Through her perseverance and once she achieved financial stability, him off back at the same spot where
ana Kelly came upon a quote that has determination, Diana conquered she would invite her mom to live he had met him. I almost panicked a
stayed with her ever since. “You have challenges related to language and with her and provide her with bit when he relayed the story to me,
to make choices to take chances, adapting to a new environment. She lifelong support. “It has been 27 as it was late at night and the man
or your life will never change.” For credits her resilience and concentra- years since my mom moved into was a stranger, but he said Mom, I
Diana, this was a turning point and tion to the guidance and inspiration our home. She has been a tower of could tell this man had a good heart,
a concept that caused her to make of her grandmother. Diana success- strength and was instrumental in and I needed to do something to
some important changes in her life. fully graduated from high school at helping me achieve higher levels of help him out even in this small way.”
Diana was born in South Amer- the young age of 16 and secured a success. I was able to travel for work After retiring, Diana embraced
ica and moved to the United States at full scholarship for college, achieving and fulfill the demands of my career a new chapter in her life, filled with
the age of 12. Upon settling in New this milestone with a sense of accom- as I progressed in the industry. Hav- purposeful and rewarding activ-
York, she had to start learning En- plishment. ing her around in our house gave ities. She has dedicated herself to