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own. Together with his father, they 13. Women were allowed to enter a live alone without permission The Deputy Minister of Com-
envisioned a massive undertaking sports stadium in 2017. from their male guardians. merce announced the prioritization
called Vision 2030. When this of women’s participation in all fields
was announced, King Salman and 14. In 2018, Crown Prince Moham- 24. And if you are a Muslim wom- for Vision 2030. Women's rights in
Prince Mohammad proclaimed, mad bin Salman and legislation an, as of July 2021, the Saudi Saudi Arabia are a topic of concern
“Vision 2030 recognizes that a restricting the powers of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, and controversy internationally.
successful, modern nation must religious police. (YAY) religious practices announced Saudi women have experienced
encourage and empower all mem- 15. In 2018, Saudi Arabia issued a women have the right to major legal rights reforms since
bers of society, including women.” resolution that prohibits wage register to perform the Hajj 2017, after facing Wahhabism re-
Women's rights have grown and discrimination for women who without being accompanied by ligious fundamentalist dominance
expanded under their leadership. perform the same job as a man. a mahram (Father, husband, for decades. According to Human
Saudi women are becoming more 16. In 2019, the Saudi Supreme brother, uncle). Rights Watch and Amnesty Inter-
involved in society, government, national, “women in Saudi Arabia
and business. Court issued a law requiring. 25. In February of 2022, the Saudi still experience discrimination
These are the advancements 17. Courts to notify women of di- women’s national football team with marriage, family, and divorce,
that have occurred in women’s vorce via text; before the guard- competed in, and won, their despite the reforms, and the Saudi
rights since 1955. (Note the time it ian man could get a divorce first every international match government continues to target and
took between changes before 2017): without notifying his spouse against Seychelles by the score repress women's rights activists and
1. The first private school for girls (I’m sorry I have to comment of 2-0. movements. Prominent feminist
opened in Jeddah in 1955. on this one, were they for real? 26. In March of 2022 women over campaigns include the Women to
2. In 1960, King Saud issued a roy- Come home and find no home, the age of 45 were allowed to Drive Movement and the an-
ti-male-guardianship campaign,
al decree that all public schools no clothes, nothing and guess perform Umrah without a male which have resulted in significant
in the country be accessible to what no money either. What a guardian. Shortly after that, a advances in women's rights”
girls. crock.) new decision was announced The father and son team of
3. In 1970, the first school for 18. Now we are talking, starting in allowing Muslim women under King Salman and Prince Moham-
higher education for girls was August 2019, women have the 45 years old to travel without a mad has made huge strides as far
founded. right to register for a divorce, or male guardian to perform Hajj as women’s rights. But it means
4. In 1999, the Saudi government a marriage, apply for a passport and Umrah rites. very little in some families. Saudi
agreed to issue women identity and other legal documents, 27. In July of 2022, the first wom- women under 35, are beginning
cards. and travel abroad without their an Deputy Secretary-General to transform their lives, at least
5. In 2005, Saudi Arabia banned guardian’s permission. They can was appointed to the Saudi they are trying. Even with all the
rights they have achieved many
forced marriages. (Took you also register as co-heads of a Cabinet. families are still stuck in the past
long enough) household, live independently 28. In September 2022, Saudi Ara- when Wahhabi was in power. The
6. In 2009, the first Saudi woman from their husband, and be- bia appointed the first woman government has opened so many
minister was appointed to the come eligible for the guardian- to chair the Saudi Human doors, yet some women are not al-
cabinet. ship of a minor. Rights Commission. lowed to go through them and live
7. King Abdullah allows women 19. Also in 2019, the Saudi Ministry 29. Also in September of 2022, it their dreams. Being able to travel
to vote in 2011, for the first time of Defense stated that women was announced Saudi Arabia without a father, brother, or uncle,
ever. can join the senior ranks of the would send the first woman to another country and pursue
8. In 2012 the world saw the first military. into space in early 2023. a better job, experience different
cultures and people, or the most
Saudi woman compete in the 20. And finally in 2019, Saudi 30. On January 5, 2023, FIFA ap- sought-after and elusive dream of
Summer Olympics. Arabia issued a ban on marriage pointed the first Saudi woman all FREEDOM.
9. Things are beginning to move for men and women under the international referee. I have talked to so many Saudi
in 2013. as the government age of 18. 31. And in January of 2023, King young women with the same dream
allowed women to ride bicycles 21. In August of 2020, the Saudi Salman approved an amend- of freedom to control their destiny,
and motorcycles in public - only Cabinet approved an amend- ment of the Saudi nationality cut their hair, venture out without
in recreational places. ment that deleted the articles law that allows Saudi women hijabs, niqabs, and abayas, (the
10. Also in 2013, The Consultative that prohibited women from married to foreign men to pass traditional dress for women to leave
the house, which leaves only their
Assembly declared women hold working nights or in hazardous on Saudi citizenship to their eyes and hands exposed), meet a
at least 20% of its seats. jobs and industries. children. boy for a simple conversation at
11. Now comes the real changes 22. As of January 2021, women Reading all the rights I believe a coffee shop, play rock n’ roll or
under King Salman, who in can now change their personal highlights the lack of women’s country music so loud the house
2017, decreed that a woman be information like family name, rights in Saudi Arabia before King vibrates, play a sport, just simple
allowed governmental services names of children, and marital Salman’s leadership. To many ordinary things that most woman
women, I suppose these rights
such as healthcare and educa- status without the need for a seem trivial, but for a Saudi woman, take for granted.
tion without the consent of a guardian’s permission. every right they were given was I only hope that one day every
male guardian. 23. And as of 2021, this is a biggie, like a steppingstone to recognition woman in Saudi Arabia can be and
12. In 2017, King Salman decreed drum roll please, single, di- of becoming a viable member of feel free!
women the right to drive. vorced, or widowed women can society.