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          to Maintain



               any people are fearful of developing Alzheimer's disease, especially those   3) Track Your Brain Health and
               with a family history of the condition. Researchers are investigating inno-  Get Help Early
        M vative treatments for Alzheimer's and other dementias, but no cure exists
        right now.
           There are steps people can take, however, to help maintain and support their   One way to detect changes in brain
        brain health. These activities often help with physical and emotional health and are   health is to track memory and other
        generally positive habits to foster, especially as people age. In fact, a report from   thinking skill performance over time.
        "The Lancet" found the risk of dementia is lower among people who adhere to these   Detecting changes in memory is critical
        healthy habits:                                                           to slowing the progression of Alzhei-
                                                                                  mer's, which can begin 15-20 years
                                                                                  before the onset of obvious symptoms.
                                                                                  Some changes in mood or memory that
                                                                                  may raise red flags are often noticed
        1) Get Physical                     2) Keep Your Brain Active             by other people, not by the individual
                                                                                  experiencing the changes, making it im-
        According to Harvard Medical        Engaging in mentally stimulating      portant for older adults who live alone
        School, exercise keeps the brain    activities may help keep the brain fit   or who do not have large social circles to
        healthy by helping release chemicals   and potentially stave off dementia or   track their own brain health.
        that support the development of new   other types of cognitive decline. For   One option for tracking brain
        nerve cells and connections between   example, people who have cognitive-  health is the Alzheimer Prevention Tri-
        brain cells. Exercise also improves   ly demanding jobs (like accountants   als (APT) Webstudy, funded by the Na-
        mental health, blood pressure, and   or math teachers) or who engage in   tional Institutes of Health, which moni-
        blood sugar regulation, all of which   cognitively stimulating activities (like   tors an individual's brain health through
        can impact the development of cog-  learning a second language or how to   regular online memory testing that can
        nitive diseases like Alzheimer's and   play a musical instrument) may be at   be completed anywhere, anytime from
        other dementias. Staying physically   lower risk for developing cognitive   a computer, laptop, or tablet. Partici-
        active can become more difficult    decline and dementia, according to    pants take no-cost, online memory tests
        if someone's health declines, but   Harvard Medical School. Activities    quarterly that are automatically shared
        doctors and other medical providers   like these and more can also decrease   with researchers who track results over
        can share ways to maintain physical   feelings of depression, isolation,   time. If changes in memory are detect-
        activity even if mobility is limited.  and loneliness, which occur more   ed, and a participant is close enough to a
                                            frequently as people age and are also   study site, he or she may be invited to an
                                            associated with an increased risk of   in-person evaluation and, if appropriate,
                                            developing dementia, according to     given the option to join an Alzheimer's
                                            the National Institute on Aging.      clinical trial.

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