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ith all the stress ware to create a design in 3D people have costly taste”-he
and challenges of renderings. “Outdoor spaces adds
W life and that long are extensions of our homes,
commute before we retreat to designed for social connec-
our sanctuary. We are eager tions with family and friends,
to arrive home but realize that promote relaxation for self-
as you pull into your drive- care and a closer bond with
way, we have a new parent nature. According to Ismael
CREATING and spouse role to jump into. a homeowner should have
From our spouses seeking our
some ideas already of what
they want and like before they
time or the kids asking for
Your Escape help with that school project contact a design firm. A great
way is to take inspiration from
as soon as we walk through
online sources, magazines, of
that door. Imagine how much
in Your better you would feel if you things we like in nature or our
pulled up to a manicured,
neighborhoods. The goal is to
create a collection that a de-
properly executed landscape.
After gathering ideas, we
OUTDOOR We want to come home and signer can go from. “It makes expect our clients to come up
find an area that takes that
our jobs easier to be able to
stress away and gives us peace
understand our client’s tastes
with a budget and what the
Space in our home. If we could just and preferences. Are we de- must-haves are to be included
signing for entertaining, for a
have a place for unwinding
in their design. “We have to
growing family, or just a place
before we step in to spouse
guide our clients through the
mode. What better place to relax and throw our feet budget and wants, he smiles.
than your very own paradise up,” says Ismael. He explains “We can’t create the Gardens
retreat in your own yard? that he lets the home help him of Versailles on a small bud-
There’s a growing apprecia- determine what the design get, so we have to guide our
tion for the tranquility and should be. “There’s no reason clients to see what best fits
holistic benefits that outdoor to design a modern landscape their gardens aligned with
living spaces can bring, and on a Victorian home which their budget. Construction
let’s not forget the value they won’t flow or be appealing to budgets can easily get out of
add to one’s property. the eye. It would just throw hand that’s why it is import-
people off.” He says. ant to start with a design.”
- Ismael says. A design will
Where do we start? help give his clients an out-
How do we create this look of what the project will
sanctuary? look like before it is built and
That’s where we seek profes- allow them to reduce unfore-
sional help if you’re not will- seen costs and avoid other
ing to give up your weekends surprises. When design-
for the next few years to work ing, he wants outdoor living
on your own yard to accom- spaces to include kitchens
plish this. Most profession- and outdoor fireplaces for
An Interview with Expert als, including landscape de- clients who plan on entertain-
Ismael Covarrubias of signer and contractor Ismael ing. In some of his designs, he
Growing Landscapes Covarrubias of Growing explains that clients are add-
Landscapes, would agree ing smaller pools to soak in
that having an outdoor living and relax or plunge pools
space reduces stress and anxi- for ice baths. “Not everyone
ety. We talked to Covarrubias Budget is one of the first wants that Olympic pool,” he
as he explained the process of challenges he faces on an ini- states.
By Maggie Ramos starting and executing a new tial consultation. A Design The second challenge
landscape oasis. “Our clients can be in the range anywhere they face is water usage and
start with an idea, and it is from $1500-$5000+ depend- how the design is presented.
our job to execute that idea, ing on how intricate and de- They also must be mindful
“Ismael says. Landscape de- tailed a design is. The size of that most of their designs are
signers have the task of work- the property and topography in Southern California and
ing with clients, with their have a factor in cost. Projects water is a concern. Most of
knowledge of horticulture can also range anywhere from his designs are irrigated using
and construction, using soft- $ 8,500 up to 1M plus,” Some low-volume irrigation and
16 Photos Courtesy of Ismael Covarrubias