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low-water usage plant pallet.   ment to each design if clients   will test out the functionality,
        San Diego Water Authority   choose to do so. “This elimi-  and the project is turned over
        offers rebates to implement   nates the headache and frees   to the client. Our clients usu-
        water  best  practices  on  irri-  up time for our working cli-  ally end up being part of our
        gation, so it is worth keep-  ents with busy schedules,”-he   Growing Landscapes family
        ing an update on that. See    adds.  This  includes sourcing   and keep in contact, sending for up-to-  materials  and working  with   us photos of them enjoying
        date rebates. Rebates would   other contractors, like plumb-  their new landscapes- he says.
        help their clients allocate part   ers, electricians, general con-  Ismael is a Landscape
        of the funds for that high-  tractors, and other trades.   Contractor & Designer with a
        er-end BBQ or more exotic   Ismael explains that they are   C27 License. He was born and
        plant pallet when applicable.  an extension of his team, and   raised in Southern California,
           “Every design should   without them, his designs   where he found his passion for
        have a focal feature; it could   would not be completed in   this industry. He also worked
        be a gathering area, water fea-  a timely manner with them.   as the Irrigation Specialist for
        ture, a rare and exotic plant   During construction, until   over ten years for Legoland
        species, or just something like   completion, Ismael is work-  California before branch-
        a statue or art sculpture. That   ing with subcontractors to   ing off and starting Growing
        is what makes everything   ensure his design is being   Landscapes in 2016. He holds
        come together.”-he explains.  executed as planned. After a   a Certificate as a Qualified
           After the presentation   project is completed, a final   Water Efficient Landscaper
        and the client has approved   walk-through is done with   (QWEL) from San Diego Wa-
        their design, we move for-  the client as a final inspection.   ter Authority and a Certificate
        ward with the execution,   This is the time that the client   in Arboriculture.
        which includes bidding and   If you would like to contact Ismael and his team at Growing
        sourcing materials. As part of     Landscapes, you can reach him at
        the process, Growing Land- or 760-687-8405
        scapes offers project manage-   and find his work on Facebook & Instagram

                                                Thin Walls of a Salzburg Hotel

                                                             By Dom Gagliardi

                                            Even in the finest establishments,
                                            the walls cannot shield what you should not hear;
                                            whether it is the orgasmic moans of  ecstasy
                                            or the guttural shrieks of  fear.

                                            And so it was on a snowy night in a foreign land,
                                            the sounds I heard proved too much to bear.
                                            It was their muffled words that broke my sleep,
                                            before their fiery tones begged me to care.

                                            There was no thud or violent crash,
                                            only her whimpers and echoing cries.
                                            Perhaps her face did not wear her pain,
                                            but was veiled in knotted mental ties?

                                            I lay still, frozen in my twilight zone.
                                            Should I intercede or float inside my dream?
                                            What good could I do, for her words had no meaning,
                                            except the depths of  her sorrow colored what it seemed.

                                            But it was the swirling blue lights that lured me from my bed,
                                            and in a silent trance I inched toward the window.
                                            Down below she sat huddled in the back of  the car,
                                            glaring at the crumpled body in the blood-stained snow.             17
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