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P. 8

As some of you wonderful   stunted and in some cases stopped
                                                              SDW readers may have noticed,   the rights of Saudi women.
                                                              I haven’t been around for a while.   According to the Encyclopedia
                                                              I believe my explanation will be   of Human Rights, “sex segregation
                                                              of some interest to some of you. I   is a key aspect of Islamic legal
                                                              teach English online to over 250   theory.” Men and women do not
                                                              countries. In February of 2023, I   socialize together; once a woman
                                                              was invited by a long-time student   gets her period, she is considered
                                                              from Saudi Arabia to come to her   almost invisible. They attend school
                                                              country and meet her and her   with other girls no interaction with
                                                              family. I accepted, as I had many   males whatsoever. Unless they are
                                                              students from Saudi and thought I   a father, brother, uncle, or a milk
                                                              could meet some of them. I planned   relation. (Don’t ask, it is another
                                                              to stay in Saudi for a month and   whole article in itself). This practice
                                                              spent 4 months. Long story short   has been used to curtail women's
                                                              for a myriad of reasons I sold my   rights. It is known as mahram and
                                                              house and moved to Saudi Arabia.   is The Sharia legal notion of 'shield-
                                                              This, however, is not the subject of   ing from corruption'. Moreover, it
                                                              this article, it is only a sort of intro-  justifies segregation according to
                                                              duction. I have fought for women's   many zealots of the Islamic faith.
                                                              and children’s rights for most of my   Unfortunately, the laws are
                                                              adult life. I am presently living in a   mostly unwritten, which gives
                                                              country that is not exactly known   judges almost total discretion.
                                                              for either. However, things are   Consequently, and not to rock the
                                                              changing!                   boat, they often side with tribal tra-
                                                                  As fate would have it, I’ve   ditions. Which in many incidents
                                                              picked a perfect time to move to   declares women have no rights as
                                                              Saudi Arabia, as the country is go-  far as I can ascertain. I am not alone
                                                              ing through a major transformation   in this conclusion as many activists
                                                              called ‘Vision 2030.’ This ambitious   like Wajeha al-Huwaider, “compare
                                                              goal recognizes that “any successful,   the condition of Saudi women to
                                                              modern nation includes women   slavery.”
                                                              as an integral part“ of said success.    I began this article with
                                                              With that said, it may be helpful   ‘Things are changing in Saudi
                                                              to learn about Saudi’s background   Arabia’ and they are thanks to the
                                                              concerning women’s rights. I will   present King Salman bin Abdulaziz
                                                              endeavor to present a short history   Al Saud, the 25th son of King Ab-
                                                              lesson to illuminate your under-  dulaziz. One of his first acts as the
                                                              standing of Saudi Arabia’s societal   new ruler of Saudi Arabia was to
                                                              development as a nation.    streamline the government bureau-
                                                                  Saudi Arabia is a monarchy   cracy, cutting out many ministers.
                                                              formed in 1932, by King Abdulaziz   He declared changes would contin-
                                                              Al-Saud. It has been ruled as such   ue under his leadership and he was
                                                              since 1953, by the royal family,   true to his word. Changes occurred
                                                              all sons of King Abdulaziz. Saudi,   in many areas such as Human
                                                              like most Arab countries, follows   Rights; major changes in financial
                                                              the laws of Islam. These laws are   institutions; the formation of the
                                                              taken directly from their holy book   Ministry of Culture; curtailing
                                                              known as the Quran. For many   the powers of the religious police,
                                                              years Saudi was governed by the   and Wahhabi rules. This single act
                                                              Wahhabi school of thought; it is   did more for women’s rights than
                                                              part of the Sunni Islamic religion.   almost anything else. He appoint-
                                                              One could say this school of   ed his 7th son, Mohammad bin
                                                              thought would be known as ‘zeal-  Salman Saud as the Crown Prince
        WOMEN’S RIGHTS,                                       ots’ in most religions.     in 2017, who is now the de facto
                                                                                          ruler of Saudi Arabia, known for his
                                                                  Women's societal roles in
                                                              Saudi Arabia were and are heavily
                                                                                          aggressive foreign policy, ambitious
                        MAYBE                                 influenced by Islamic and local   economic vision, and controversial
                                                                                          social reforms. I would like to add a
                                                              traditions. Islamic, national, and
                                                              local laws impact women’s rights as
                                                                                          personal comment, he is a fox.
                                                                                             Prince Mohammad has
                                                              they took full advantage of their
                          By Carol Heath                      well. When Wahhabi was in power,   carried out many of his father’s
                                                                                          reforms and has added a few of his
                                                              interpretation of the Quran and
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