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proceed with caution and   for  those pesky  food re-  If you eat a pint of
                                                    remain in touch with your   strictions.  You CAN eat   Ben and Jerry’s, for exam-
                                                    feelings as you read.  this; you CAN’T eat that.   ple, seven times a week,
                                                       My old way of eating   Keeping track of it all can   initially replace it with a
                                                    was to binge eat pastries,   be a daunting task at first,   healthier,  lower-sugar,
                                                    in particular.  The cheap,   but if you stick it out, you   and fat version one to two
                                                    store-shelf bought kind   get used to that way of   times per week. Try differ-
                                                    worked best for this pur-  eating for a time. Dollars   ent flavors if needed to
                                                    pose, which was  to eat   to donuts (yes, I do appre-  find something that works
                                                    myself into a coma, a sug-  ciate the pun), your CAN’T   for you. The goal here is to
                                                    ar coma. I would eat until   list includes most, if not all,   slowly introduce healthier
                                                    I couldn’t stuff one more   of your favorite foods.  options.
                                                    thing into my belly. Only   Then, one day, you   After a few weeks of
                                                    then would I stop.    have one of the forbidden   gradually increasing your
                                                       Sick  and  drunk  with   foods. Just one. There’s no   days with the healthier
                                                    sugar I no longer had to   immediate weight gain,   version, start to take a
                                                    feel or think. The goal was   and you don’t physically   look at your serving sizes.
                                                    reached.              feel  bad. You  think, “Oh  I   Typically, a pint of Ben and
                                                       I would sometimes   must be cured. I can eat   Jerry’s serves 3. If you’re a
                                                    hide food so no one   this now”.            pint-a-day person, may-
                                                    would know how much I   Before  you  know  it,   be  start  by weighing out
                                                    was eating. I would hide   you’re not having just one   2  servings  instead.  Then,
                                                    the pastries under my   once in a while—you’re   over time, work your way
                                                    bed, in my car, in a closet,   now having it every day.   down to one serving of
                                                    etc. Sometimes, I’d start   Then, other favorite foods   your healthier choice a
                                                    on the pastries while I was   creep back into your diet,   day. This is just one exam-
                                                    driving, devouring half or   and the weight starts to   ple of minimal changes
                                                    more of a family pack be-  come back on.    you can make over time
                                                    fore I got home.        You might even start   to work your way toward
                                                       I remember standing   to feel disappointed in   healthy eating while still
                                                    in line at the grocery store   yourself  because  you  let   enjoying the foods you
         APPETITE  with  my haul,  thinking, “I                           yourself down. This feeling   love.
                                                    bet they think this is for   or belief can lead to even   Once we decide we
                                                    my family or some gather-  more forbidden foods en-  want to lose weight, we
                                                    ing I’m having”. No, it was   tering into the picture. I   often  want  that  weight
                                                    all for me.           know this ride very well as   gone now.  We want to
                                                       All the while I’m do-  I’ve been on it many, many   start that diet and lose
         Conquering Compulsive                      ing this, I’m telling myself   times.       the weight by tomorrow.
                                                                                                I know I’m exaggerating,
                                                                            Check this out though.
                                                    that Monday I’ll start a diet
                    Overeating                      and lose all this weight I’m   You don’t have to live your   but I also know I’m not too
                                                                          life like this any longer. It is
                                                                                                far off the way we might
                                                    gaining. I would tell my-
                                                    self this even if today was   possible for you to enjoy   feel or think at this point.
                   By Stephanie Lee                 Monday. Next Monday, or   your life and your food   Our diet roller coaster has
                                                    the next Monday, and the
                                                                                                already demonstrated its
                                                                          at the same time without
                                                    next Monday still.  There   guilt or shame.  untrustworthiness. How
                                                    were Mondays that just   The first step is to get   about we smooth out that
           “It’s Monday morning.   choices.  The best diets   came and went with no   off the diet roller coaster   bumpy roller coaster ride
        Today, I start my diet”. How   were those that told me   new diet started.  you have been living on.   and take the time to find
        many Mondays have you   exactly what to eat and   Some Mondays, I’d   Let go of the all-or-none   our own unique options
        had that thought or said   what not to eat. I liked the   actually start, and many   thinking where your daily   that work just for us indi-
        those words to yourself?  comfort of knowing that if   times, I was very success-  food choices depend on   vidually?
           For me, that thought   I just followed this or that   ful in reaching my weight   whether or not you are on   I’m here to tell you, it is
        would have followed a   plan that I’d be well on my   loss goals. Then life would   a specific weight loss plan.   possible to have your cake
        weekend, or maybe even   way to a successful weight   happen, and inevitably,   Instead, think about this   and eat it too.
        a week or more, when I   loss, and then I could start   the pastries and I would   option.
        found myself in front of   living my life free of excess   be right back together.
        one sugar-laden tempta-  body fat.             Have you been, or are
        tion or another—tempta-  But, as you can guess,   you currently, on this hor-  Stephanie Lee is a Healthy Weight Loss Behavior
        tions that I frequently suc-  at some point, that resolve   rible diet roller coaster? It   Coach offering personalized options for you to
        cumbed to unless I was on   would melt away, and lit-  is a lonely, complex ride   develop a healthy lifestyle, over time. She is also
        a “diet.”             tle by little, I would find   and it might even seem   the author of the upcoming book, “Confessions of
           Somehow, being on   myself back in my old way   impossible to get off or   a F.A.T. (Finding Authentic Transformation) Fitness
        a diet gave me superhu-  of eating. This next part of   break free.  Instructor: Winning the War on Overeating”. You can
        man strength and resolve   the article can potential-  When you are on a   contact Stephanie at
        when  it came to  food   ly trigger you, so please   diet, life is grand except

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