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Women of Distinction
                                            Rhonda Hayes Curtis

                                         An Epic Journey to Healing

                                                                By Judith A. Habert
                                                          Photos by Dawn Nicoli / Nicoli Productions

                                   her remarkable ability to transform   two of the greatest loves of my   ney that led him unexpectedly back
                                   adversity into opportunity.  life,” Rhonda recalls. Her journey   to Rhonda. They quickly formed
                                       Married, at the age of 16, she   through grief was harrowing, but it   a bond over their shared experi-
                                   soon became a mom to two beauti-  was through writing that she found   ences of loss and love. “It felt like
                                   ful daughters, Charlotte and Sherry.   solace. “I wasn’t initially a writer, but   fate, and yes, Larry did get to meet
                                   However, following a divorce, when   journaling during Greg’s and Sher-  Sherry before she passed,” Rhonda
                                   her daughters were 12 and 10, she   ry's illness was what kept me going.   shares. Fifteen years later, Rhonda
                                   relocated to San Diego. There, she   Sherry knew how much writing   and Larry’s marriage stands as a
                                   found love again with Greg, who   helped me cope; in her farewell   testament to the idea that profound
                                   asked her to marry him and helped   letter, she encouraged me to write   pain can lead to new beginnings
                                                                                          and beautiful futures.
                                                                                             After her daughter passed,
           It is often said that our life                                                 Rhonda started writing seriously.
        circumstances play a large role                                                   I wrote 10 - 12 hours a day. What
        in shaping who we become. This                                                    I didn't realize at the time was that
        statement obviously holds true for                                                it was the best thing I could have
        Rhonda Hayes Curtis. Rhonda is                                                    done for myself. First and foremost,
        the creator and facilitator of the                                                because it helped me through the
        Pauma Valley Writer’s Retreat,                                                    grieving process, and it helped me
        various writing seminars, and a                                                   bring them back to life in many
        teacher of writing in San Diego.                                                  ways.”
        What was of great interest to me                                                     At this point, Rhonda knew
        was what made someone decide to                                                   that she wasn’t technically a writer;
        embark on such a journey.                                                         she had never done this before. “I
           Rhonda’s beginning years                                                       didn’t know how to write; I didn't
        were what could easily be labeled                                                 know how to put a story together. I
        as tumultuous.  Rhonda was born   her raise her children. Life wasn’t al-  a book if it made me happy. That’s   just had this burning passion within
        in Florida, moved to Oregon, and   ways easy, but lessons were learned   exactly what I did.”  myself to do the writing. And that's
        then, at 6 years of age, moved to   along the way, especially in 2007,   Sherry also expressed a wish   what made the difference in my life.
        Tucson, Arizona.  Arizona held   when Greg and Sherry were both   for her mother to seek compan-  I allowed myself the time to do that.
        many of her childhood memories,   diagnosed with terminal cancer.   ionship again. Despite her initial   It was probably the most selfish
        some of which were comforting,   Amidst the overwhelming fear and   hesitance, Rhonda honored this   thing that I've ever done for myself.
        others haunted her for most of her   uncertainty, Rhonda turned to jour-  request as one of her daughter’s   Being a teenage mom, all I ever did
        life. An absent father, of whom   naling as a method to manage the   final wishes. “I promised Sherry   was take care of everyone around
        she knew very little, except for   complex web of medical treatments   I’d do anything for her. The idea   me.  I never had time in my life to
        one very vivid memory. Rhonda   and caregiving duties. This practice   of meeting someone new seemed   do something just for me. “
        shares, “I only have one memory   of writing not only helped her to   far-fetched, especially so soon after   Rhonda immersed herself
        of my father, and it is my first   organize her thoughts during this   losing Greg, but I couldn’t ignore   in the study of writing. “I worked
        memory in my life. He had a gun   chaotic time but also became a vital   her wish,” Rhonda explains. She   with many different types of edi-
        to my mother's head. My mother’s   outlet for her emotions and a cor-  ventured online and connected   tors, including a book coach and
        screams woke me in the middle of   nerstone for her future in writing.   with Larry, a widower who had   a story structure specialist. I read
        the night, and it was very traumat-  “My younger daughter Sherry   recently lost his wife of 32 years to   books on writing, and I just started
        ic. He left before the police came,   was diagnosed with stage four colon   a prolonged illness. “Our first con-  studying and writing. I did this for
        and I never saw him again.” For   cancer at 33 and passed away at 35.   versation started online, and soon   six years. The result of this process
        most of Rhonda's life, the image   Just nine months before, I lost my   we discovered we were neighbors,   was “Love at the Last Minute”: A
        continued to haunt her. Yet, Rhon-  husband, Greg, to cancer as well.   living just five miles apart.”  Mother’s Journey to Courage, Ac-
        da's narrative is not defined by   Within less than a year, I faced   Larry was traveling across the   ceptance, and Wisdom by Rhonda
        these challenges alone but also by   the unimaginable grief of losing   country to process his grief, a jour-  Hayes Curtis, a beautiful story of

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