Page 31 - SDWM Digital Version Mojo Cover
P. 31

Photo by R.L. Peterson

                                                                             By R. L. Peterson

                                                                  her coffee and his milk   Spider Man pajamas, says
                                                                  steamer to the patio, where   good night to his giraffe, his
                                                                  they snuggle and count    hippopotamus, his kanga-
                                                                  ‘tweet tweets,’ (birds), and   roo and alligator and stows
                                                                  Reid describes the “big guys”   his toys for the night. Nana
                                                                  (buildings) he’ll construct   carries him upstairs, where
                                                                  with his Legos. Later, on a   she reads him books, and
                                                                  tricycle ride in the neighbor-  they discuss their day to-
                                                                  hood, he grows tired, jumps   gether. After blowing kisses
                                                                  off his trike, expecting Nana   to Mama and Dada, little
                                                                  to carry both him and his   brother Miles, and Grand-
                                                                  tricycle home. She responds,   mother Kris and Grandfa-
                                                                  “I believe you can petal to   ther Don, Reid stretches out
                                                                  the next driveway.” There she   on his bed. Nana rubs his
                                                                  says, “Now, to our mailbox.   shoulders and tells him what
                                                                  That’s home.” When he rides   a fine young man he is.
                                                                  triumphally into our garage,   Reid falls asleep, a slight
                                                                  she applauds. “See, you can   smile on his face. Does he
                                                                  do anything you put your   dream of another magical
                                                                  mind to.”                 day with Nana? Perhaps
                                                                      Even a whirlwind needs   a ride on the train at Old
                      rocket ship blasts    At twenty-eight months,   a breather. Afternoons, Reid   Poway Park or a cooling dip
                      off in the Family   Reid sings “Old McDonald   grabs a blanket from the sofa   in the swimming pool. Yes,
               A oom. On the             Had A Farm,” “Itsy Bitsy   and curls up on Nana’s bed   a sharp-edged Lego piece
               carpet is a green and yellow   Spider,” and other children’s   for a nap. When he awakes,   hides in the carpet, ready to
               garbage truck, a blue dump   classics. On a recent trip   he visits the Snack Closet   attack an unsuspecting bare-
               truck, a red and white am-  to the San Diego Zoo, he   for carrot and celery sticks,   foot late at night, but that’s
               bulance, a yellow excavator,   scampered onto the  People   peanut butter bites, and fig   life. Childhood is fleeting.
               a red fire engine, and two   -mover took a seat, and belt-  newtons. Then it’s Legos and   Maybe Nana’s wise teachings
               low-slung Formula One     ed out “The Wheels on the   more space exploration – he   will smooth Reid’s transi-
               race cars. Who’s responsi-  Bus Go Round and Round”   has a map showing the solar   tion into adulthood when
               ble for the rocket launch   with appropriate hand mo-  system, including the plan-  he reaches that door. Until
               and all this equipment?   tions, much to the delight of   ets. Dinner is grilled salmon   then, let’s listen to the NASA
               That would be a two-foot   other passengers.       and lettuce on a fresh-   announcer. “The twenty-first
               tall, reddish brown-haired,   Reid and his Nana    ly-baked ciabatta – Nana’s   Intergalactic Peace Mission
               black-eyed heart stealer   have an almost symbiotic   a world champion baker   is ready to visit the Universe.
               with a pug nose, round    relationship. On frequent   – sweet potatoes and green   Reid Lawrence Peterson
               cheeks, and a smile that   overnight visits, Reid’s up   beans. Next, a bubble bath,   commanding. Five. Four.
               stops time. Reid Lawrence   before the sun. Nana wraps   then Reid, his teeth brushed,   Three. Two. One. Blast Off!”
               Peterson. My grandson.    him in a blanket and takes   hair combed, sporting

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