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by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds



        ward flare added to your usual sneakers   kid has enough underwear, socks, and   5.  MIND BRAIN EMOTION
        and leggings.                       essentials to accommodate every vacation   In today’s world, stress is a guarantee. How
           Once you grab a pair of these socks,   possibility. After hours of sorting through   we handle it is often up to us. As someone
        you’ll be coming back for more, and Pacas   the necessities, we find ourselves with   who struggles with a high-stress environ-
        is prepared to meet your needs with a   entirely too much luggage and are hit with   ment, I am always searching for a way to
        wide array of sweaters, slippers, and throw   the realization that we are going to be the   make the situation easier. Mind Brain Emo-
        blankets. The best part of this company is   ones carrying these through airports and   tion has helped me find ways to cope with
        its commitment to bettering the commu-  hotels while the kids trek behind us. Well,   my daily anxiety. These clever, modern-day
        nity. When you buy a pair of Pacas socks,   what if you could fit everything you need   exercises build resilience for life’s many chal-
        you are also donating a pair to a child in   into your luggage? That’s where Nomatic   lenges. Developed by a Harvard researcher,
        need. Pacas is dedicated to giving back to   comes in.                   these cards provide powerful strategies
        children’s hospitals and provides their cozy   Nomatic Cubes are the knight in shin-  inspired by university-level emotional intel-
        hypoallergenic socks to kids who have   ing armor you’ve been waiting for to whisk   ligence classes.
        bigger things to worry about. These socks   you away to a land of stress-free packing.   Identifying personal triggers and how
        give their feet a much-needed reprieve   These packing cubes use a zippered com-  best to respond is just one tool you’ll gain
        from the itchy and uncomfortable hospital   pression system to condense clothing and   from this pack of 50+ exercise cards. While
        options.                            maximize space by 50%. Made with dura-  addressing difficult emotions like anger,
           If you are a lover of animals like us, you   ble materials and see-through mesh, these   disappointment, jealousy, shame, and low
        also want to be sure that you are buying   lightweight travel companions will be the   self-esteem, these cards lead you to find a
        from an ethical company. Well, Pacas not   answer to all your packing problems. In   path to enlightenment that makes anxiety
        only works with the farmers directly to   fact, Nomatic has been solving everyday   digestible instead of crippling. These cards
        ensure the animals prosper for generations   struggles for a decade now.  are great for teens who often shy away from
        to come but goes above and beyond to se-  Nomatic was founded in 2014 and   expressing their feelings. The fun and play-
        cure the community around these beloved   has been bringing products to market   ful format stimulates productive conversa-
        creatures.                          that have category-leading functionality,   tions around socio-emotional development.
           To give yourself the gift of luxurious   design, and durability. This groundbreak-  Before you know it, you’ll not only get to
        footwear,and shop the entire collection of   ing company leads on the notion that our   know your family better, but you’ll receive
        Pacas products, visit  only commodity in life is time and seeks   tools for how best to help them handle life’s
                                            to give it back to you by solving your daily   twists and turns.
        4.  NOMATIC PACKING CUBES           dilemmas. When you start exploring their   Commonly used for counseling, Mind
        When summer comes, most of us will be   many product options, you’ll get a glimpse   Brain Emotion cards come in a variety of
        ready to grab the kids and head off to   into how easy your day-to-day could   topics. Relationship, Social, and Interview
        our favorite destination. As we prepare   become. From camera bags to luggage to   skills are just a few of the titles that will
        for this exciting venture, we often forget   sling bags, Nomatic can be with you every   benefit you and your kids. Another popular
        the misery that is packing until the last   step of the way.             pick is their “52 Essential Gratitude Atti-
        second. When that dreaded day comes,   Explore their full collection at www.  tude” pack, which promises to boost your
        we run around the house, ensuring every                   mood and mindset through empowering
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