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Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert



        to enhance performance and quickly lift   were glad we grabbed a Broken Top Car   your new flame. Pay month-to-month or
        away dirt, these wipes won’t dry out like   Freshener.                   subscribe to a 6, 9, or 12-month plan. All
        other brands.                          Broken Top Brand offers candles, diffus-  subscriptions come with free shipping and
           Each is individually packaged and   ers, lotions, soaps, perfumes, colognes and   Candle Club perks!
        can be used on all leather except suede.   more. Their line of products features luxuri-  Shop the car fresheners now to bring
        Restore leather car seats, jackets, furniture,   ous scents that will make you feel wrapped   the Broken Top Brand into your daily rou-
        and more. Each box comes with 10 wipe   in relaxation. As you know, our favorite   tine at
        packages that are thick, two-sided, durable   foray into the Broken Top Brand is the car
        towelettes infused with the perfect amount   air fresheners. But not to worry - these   16. DURABRAIN
        of trusted, non-toxic leather conditioner or   aren’t your father’s pine tree centerpieces!   As we grow older, we become more and
        leather cleaner formulas.           These modern designs feature timeless   more aware of our cognitive function.
           If looking for the perfect gift for your   scents like coconut sandalwood, cranberry   The times we suddenly forget something
        hubby, we recommend the Leather Honey   orange, and sea salt surf. Looking for a   multiply, and we notice that the things
        Complete Leather Care Kit which includes   more masculine fragrance? They also offer   that once came easy to us now seem to
        a conditioner, cleaner, and two applicator   Tobacco Teak and Black Coral Tide.   be a daily struggle. When looking at what
        cloths in a signature gift box. Add in one   The mainstay in our vehicle is coconut   power we have to control these aging
        of the Leather Care Wipes for the over-the-  sandalwood. This scent is strong but invit-  woes, the first thought is nutritional
        top surprise your man will appreciate and   ing and places you on the sand at sunset   supplementation. While the nutritional
        use! Since 1968, Leather Honey has always   while the breeze swirls through the palm   supplement industry can seem like an
        been the top name in Leather Care for its   trees. Vegan, Paraben-free, Phthalate-Free,   endless array of options, Durabrain sets
        non-toxic formula that leaves zero oily   and Gluten-Free, these fresheners are the   itself apart with its patented nutraceutical
        residue.                            perfect addition to any gift for only $8.   compound Brain-up 10®. This compound
           Whether you prefer a spray, concen-  Want to bring these glamorous scents   is clinically tried and tested for enhanced
        trate, wipe, or their signature cleaner and   indoors? Try their linen spray line. “Fresh   memory, clarity, mood, and perception. Its
        conditioner, the entire line is available to   Squeezed Linen Spray” is the ideal choice   proprietary ingredients are sourced ethi-
        shop on Amazon and at their main web-  for bringing the fresh citrus aromas inside.   cally from the Southern Andes mountains,
        site,         Blood Orange, Cedar, and Bergamot    then imported and carefully laboratory
                                            instantly transport you to a citrus grove   tested for potency and purity at a U.S.-cer-
        15. BROKEN TOP CAR FRESHENERS       where time stands still. Delicate yet power-  tified facility. Brain-up 10® formulation
        These days, work has us spending more   ful, these linen sprays can be used wherev-  has consistently shown clinical evidence
        time in our cars than in our homes. With   er you please, from your skin to your living   to support healthy cognitive function in
        all that extra time came unwarranted   room.                             adults. The formulation includes fulvic
        smells from the gym hoodie we chucked   Ready to commit to one of their bril-  and humic acid complex, and vitamins B6,
        in the back to the venti coffee cups, which   liant scents, but prefer candles? Broken Top   B9, and B12. Beyond the premium natural
        never quite found the trash bin. When   offers a Candle Club where, for as little as   ingredients, Durabrain is caffeine-free,
        our peers decided to jump in rather than   only $22, you will receive a seasonal candle   vegetarian-friendly, and is the product of
        take their cars to the off-site meeting, we   of the month, plus a matchbox to light   a world-class scientific team.
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