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by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
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Constructed out of 100% recyclable of calming neurotransmitters is also provid- 18. PENETREX
aluminum, the Durabrain containers keep ed by L-theanine and taurine. These ingre- Whether it’s the cold weather or an intense
the capsules safe from sunlight, warmth, dients work together to stabilize your mood trip to the gym, Penetrex is the go-to
and humidity while cutting down on and assist with making rational decisions solution for all your muscle and joint relief.
greenhouse gases. Durabrain™ supplement that will benefit you in the long term. Often called “liquid gold” by its devoted
is carefully manufactured and packaged in NeuroMag™ uses the unique, patented fans, Penetrex is different from your typical
a certified GMO-free facility. The supple- mineral Magtein® — a magnesium chelated joint creams. This cream has a disappear-
ment is also stimulant and allergen free, to threonic acid (magnesium L-threonate) ing scent, is a non-greasy formula, and is
gluten free, and lab tested by a third party. — a highly bioavailable form that has the cruelty-free. It is trusted by over 2 million
If you are finding yourself needing assis- potential to cross the blood-brain barrier. customers and does not freeze or burn
tance for day-to-day memory and cognitive This form of magnesium has been shown to upon application. We can attribute these
function, we recommend giving Durabrain be superior in repleting magnesium in the great characteristics to the natural ingre-
a try. Available now on and at body compared with other forms. Research dients, which include Arnica, Vitamin B6, demonstrates that elevating brain magne- Glucosamine, Choline, Boswellia Serrata,
sium content through supplementation and MSM. Penetrex can be put all over your
17. DESIGNS FOR HEALTH with magnesium L-threonate may be a body and deeply penetrates at the site of
Our bodies are our greatest treasure. When useful strategy to support cognitive abilities discomfort. To get the relief you’ve been
we feel good, we can accomplish the world; and healthy memory. craving, simply apply the cream 3-4 times
but when things aren’t functioning proper- On top of their top tier research backed a day for 7-10 days and watch the pain
ly, it can be the downfall of our day to day. results, these supplements are gluten free, dissolve away!
Supplementing our nutrition with products vegan, dairy free, soy free, and non-GMO. To add onto your health regimen,
that help us stay healthy is a must- espe- NeuroMag or NeuroCalm would be the Penetrex offers their signature Joint, Muscle,
cially as we age. The products we came perfect choices for beginning your brain and Nerve Support Supplement. This 30-
across that have become medicine cabinet health journey. The earlier you begin to day supply promises to provide comfort
musts are NeuroCalm and NeuroMag. These care for your body, the more it will respond to aching joints in just 5 days. Improved
supplements from Designs for Health are and take care of you in the future. As a mobility, stiffness, and function are just a
life changing. healthcare professional's top choice since few of the perks of this supplement. Pene-
NeuroCalm™ is designed to promote 1989, Designs for Health has created some trex’s holistic approach to joint and muscle
the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid of the most beneficial supplements on the care helps to improve your everyday life
(GABA) and serotonin, which may help sup- market. With a philosophy of science-based through their creams and supplements. In
port healthy moods, cravings, and feelings nutrition and natural medicine, Designs for this proprietary blend, Penetrex uses a novel
of calm, satiety, and satisfaction. Neuro- Health is an advocate for a health care of form of Boswellia Serrata which is 50% more
Calm™ contains PharmaGABA®, a form of technology supported wellness that serves bioavailable, collagen boosting Vitamin C,
GABA naturally manufactured through a the greater good. bone strengthening magnesium glycinate
fermentation process, which is considered To shop the entire line of Designs for and nervous system regulating Vitamin B.
more effective than chemically produced Health supplements, visit For the best value, we recommend
synthetic forms. Support for the production choosing the 4-ounce Penetrex Joint and