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by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds




        effects- SAFA Body Oil is one of them. These   Visit to shop all   “Talking Hearts” is great for strengthening
        cold-pressed and unrefined superfood oils   of their wonderful products.  your bond one intriguing question at a
        deliver firm, smooth, glowing skin while                                 time! Ideal as a Bridal Shower or Engage-
        revitalizing the skin barrier.      22. IT’S A DATE & TALKING HEARTS     ment gift, this transportable card pack will
           Formulated with 100% pure plant     GAMES                             let you approach topics you’d normally
        extracts and phytonutrients, Safa Body uses   After spending many nights doing the same   overlook.
        an organic blend with natural fragrances and   old dinner and a movie, it was a welcome   Both are priced under $25 on Ama-
        dried organic petals infused inside. These fra-  change of pace when we came across the   zon; we recommend grabbing the duo to
        grances promote energy and vitality, soothe   “It’s A Date” & “Talking Hearts” Games. These   engage in playful games that will ignite
        the mind, and uplift the mood. A blend of   games have turned up date night and made   love and laughter! Visit
        Moroccan Argan, Sweet Almond, Vitamin   us feel closer than ever as a couple.  B0BRNZ6FSW to purchase “It’s A Date”
        E, and Apricot Oil hydrates and moisturizes   “It’s A Date” is a top seller on Amazon for   and to purchase
        the skin while evening the skin tone and   a reason! This game provides a wide variety   “Talking Hearts”.
        reducing the appearance of fine lines and   of date ideas, taking the burden off your
        wrinkles. Add this miraculous oil to your   shoulders and ensuring that you and your   23. SLEEPYBELLY PREGNANCY PILLOW
        scalp to promote hair growth and strong,   partner have a memorable time together.   Pregnancy can be difficult, especially when
        soft, shiny locks!                  “It’s A Date” offers a great balance between   trying to get cozy at night. Sleepybelly Preg-
           Our favorite SAFA Body Oil has to be “The   surprise activities and the freedom to make   nancy Pillow is a game changer in how you
        Vanille.” Organic Arabian Sambac Jasmine   choices so you can get creative with your   rest when pregnant. This 3-piece adjustable
        petals infuse with Vanilla Fruit Extract derived   next date night. The set comes with 40   pregnancy pillow is proven to help expect-
        from the Vanilla bean for a warm, gourmand   different romantic scratch-off date cards   ing mothers get better sleep.
        aroma that is uplifting and soothing. The Ara-  with helpful clues about your mystery date.   Providing a comfortable bump, back,
        bian Sambac Jasmine plant has been used   These cards include the time of day, budget,   and side support pillow, this set prevents
        for centuries for its therapeutic and skin-en-  length, and whether they are indoor or   the back sleeping position and helps
        hancing properties. The delicate white petals   outdoor. Provided in a travel-sized box,   reduce back, hip, and pelvic girdle pain. An
        of this flower infuse with vanilla, becoming a   this game can be brought anywhere and is   adjustable width that grows with your belly,
        natural moisturizer that helps to hydrate and   perfect for an impulsive weekend. With over   Sleepybelly Pregnancy Pillow has been rec-
        soften your skin, making it more supple and   800 positive reviews, this game makes the   ommended by midwives, doulas, women’s
        luminous. Vanilla is a natural skin brightener   ideal gift for an anniversary or engagement   health practitioners, and new moms alike.
        with high levels of antioxidants that also   party.                        The Sleepybelly surrounds your tummy
        promote relaxation while relieving tension.   “Talking Hearts” is another must-have   and back. One side provides support and
           Beyond the incredible effects of SAFA   game for any dedicated couple. This game   relief for your tummy, and the other side
        Body Oil, the bottle is breathtaking and   features 200 questions, including two wild   prevents you from rolling onto your back
        would make an unforgettable gift for your   cards to engage in playful and thoughtful   during the night. Available in nude or grey,
        girlfriend or mom. Vogue, Vanity Fair, and   conversation with your loved one. Perfect   you can use all three pieces or stick with just
        Glamour magazine all agree with us that this   for any occasion, let sparks fly as you play   the bump pillow at times when you need to
        product is a must-have for any beauty guru.   and create lasting memories together.   switch sides during sleep. Their unique de-
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