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Women of Distinction

                                            Babs Fry

                                    A WAY HOME FOR DOGS

                                                  By Judith A. Habert

                                                  Photos Courtesy of Babs Fry

                                   er, after graduation, she found her   their most fearful and sometimes
                                   passion in finance.        problematic dogs, whether it be
                                       “I did a lot of management   medically or behaviorally. Along
                                   training and managed branches for   that journey, she lost one and
                                   a secondary lender before meeting   admittedly did what she currently
           Babs Fry is probably one of the   my husband who coincidentally   tells clients never to do when a dog
        most incredible women I have ever   happened to be Navy, despite my   goes missing, but at the time, she
        met.  She has a passion for life, and   strong commitment that I would   didn’t know better. “I spent a day
        it is not only unique but a Godsend   never marry anybody in the   and a half panicking, making really
        to so many San Diegans.  Babs is   military.”  But the heart wants what   dumb decisions and making serious
        lovingly referred to as “The Pet De-  the heart wants, and so they were   mistakes. I had at the time, without
        tective”, and as you will find out, she   engaged, and shortly thereafter, in   knowing it, a lot of ignorance that
        has rightfully earned this title.    1999, he was stationed here, and   manifested itself in arrogance
           Born in New Jersey.  “My   they have called San Diego home   because I was the go-to for this type
        family left Jersey when I was three   ever since.     of animal. So, I knew there was no
        although I have been told that the   So, what has led Babs to the   way that dog was coming to me or
        Yankee tendencies have not left me,   career she currently loves? “I have   anybody else who offered to help
        and I would tend to agree with that   always gotten along better with an-  find her. A day and a half later, I
        statement.” Babs’ father served in   imals than people. From the time I   was desperate and panicked, so I
        the Navy, but luckily, in a posi-  was a little girl, I used to bring home   engaged in a phone call with a lady
        tion where they were not made to   all sorts of things in my pockets,   who, at that time, was considered
        move around as frequently as most   I would skip kindergarten to go   an expert in finding lost animals.  I
        military families.  He was stationed   catch tadpoles and hide them in my   followed her instructions to the T,
        in Jacksonville, Florida, before he   closet. As I got older, I was always   and a dog that was scared of being
        deployed overseas to Naples, Italy.    catching strays and bringing them   touched and had been at my house
        So, Babs spent most of her formative   home with me.”    for only 12 hours when it disap-
        years in Italy, and this is where   Luckily, Babs’s hubby is an   peared, was spotted about a mile
        she truly calls home. “I moved   animal lover as well. Over the years,   and a half away and ten days later
        there when I was 12, graduated   they acquired quite a large number   was safe in a trap in my driveway.
        high school there, and it was very   of dogs through their early rela-  It was then I realized that the way   commitment, tenacity, compromise,
        definitely my formative years. My   tionship. “When these beloved pets   most people handle lost animals   and sacrifice. You don’t just show up
        dad was one that really believed that   started to pass away from old age,   makes it very likely that they will   for a couple of hours, and when the
        we were there to immerse ourselves   we started looking for new family   remain lost.”  pet isn’t recovered, you say Oh well,
        into the culture, not to be Ameri-  members. As a result, we ended   This one event led Babs down   that didn’t work out. I hope that
        cans in Italy.”            up connecting with the rescue   a path that would make her the   dog is okay. You have to stick with it
           Babs attended an American   community.”            ultimate “Pet Detective,” and she is   until it comes to fruition. One way
        high school, but all her close friends   Through several years of ex-  now known as the expert in getting   or the other. I learned inadvertently
        were Italian. When she graduated   tensive involvement with one of the   our beloved pets back if they go   that I had not just a passion but a
        high school, she went to Florida   larger Southern California rescues   missing. Babs admits that this is   talent, and over the course of the last
        State, where she graduated with two   - fostering, management support of   not an area that you just dabble   several years, I have worked at per-
        degrees, one in Criminology and the   their medical, and mentoring their   in. “Getting to be an expert in this   fecting my craft and learning from
        other in Communications. Howev-  fosters - Babs became the go-to for   area requires a certain amount of   others with more experience than

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