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Women of Distinction

        be seen repeatedly by the homeless   without meaning to, and your dog   they then graduate out into going   events are as much part of their
        community I responded and we set   will be left out there not dead but   into the world in controlled settings   rehab so they can be rehomed. So
        a trap thinking it was just a stray   fending for itself.”  with people they know and dogs   that they can learn life experience
        but I started doing homework to   Since Babs is often called   that they’re comfortable with, and   in a safe environment.”  Right now,
        identify if there might be somebody   upon when stray dogs are found,   we do pack walks and adoption   in addition, Babs now has 30 to
        out there looking for the dog. This   she will take them into her facility   events so that they can start to   35 volunteers that come on-site to
        particular dog had some anomalies   and work on getting them adopted   learn that life is okay.” This can be a   cover seven daily rotations of 8 AM
        to it, like where it was and its color.   if not claimed through the shelter   timely process, as most of the dogs   to noon and 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM.
        And it happened to be a neutered   process. “These dogs become part   stay with Babs for several months   Babs is looking for more volunteers
        male, but not microchipped, which   of our rescue. We don’t get a lot   to a year before they graduate and   to help care for her rescues. “We
        is a little odd.”          of foster support because most of   are ready to go into forever homes.  always need more help than we
           Babs called the owner, asking   them need extra special handling.   When Babs first started rescu-  get, and we want to make sure that
        questions but being very cautious   We have a kennel license and run   ing dogs and taking them into her   these dogs are properly cared for
        about how she did so because the   a facility at our home. We’ve got 70   home rescue, she admits that it was   and played with so they can get
        last thing she wanted to do, three   dogs. All of them are, for the most   tough for her to let any of them go.    over their trauma and just enjoy
        and a half years later, was to put   part, on-site. And we are complete-  Babs shares, “I have had to grow al-  their newfound lives.”
        the owner on a rollercoaster ride,   ly volunteer based. So, we have   most as much as my dogs through   One last point that I touched
        making them think that their dog   people that come to our kennel and   this process. Another tidbit about   upon with Babs was what we
        might still be alive. “In the course   help care for the animals. This is   me personally is that I’m going on   should do if we come upon a lost
        of that discussion, some things   kind of ground zero for everybody.   sixteen and a half years clean and   dog because, let’s face it, it could
        came up, and I realized that it was   It’s where they start their learning   sober. Truthfully, these animals are   be your dog, and you would hope
        undeniably GRIM.”  I can only   curve that, first and foremost,   my spiritual connection.  I am con-  that someone would do what they
        imagine the joy of being reunited   containment is not deadly. A lot   vinced to this day that God has put   could to keep it safe and bring it
        with their pet after so much time   of aggression you see in dogs has   this path in my journey, not just to   back to its family. “There are three
        had passed.                to do with taking away that flight   keep me clean and sober, but more   things to do if you come upon a
           Often, after a few days, owners   response. Whether it is a leash   specifically because he knows my   stray dog.  You stop, you ignore,
        will give up the hope that they will   or a kennel, whether it is walls or   people skills still need some work,   and you report.  Because if you stop
        ever be reunited with their dogs,   a fence. Every dog has different   and while I have always been the ‘I   and you ignore, and that dog is not
        and they may fear that their dog   parameters. When they get here,   don’t give a damn what you think   scared, it’s going to come running
        has been stolen and will never   they get to decompress and kind of   kind of gal,’ the reality is when you   right up to you. And then you can
        be returned to them, but  Babs   start to experience a new normal   are that way, you alienate people.   find its mommy.  But if it doesn’t,
        adds, “The fact of the matter is   with consistency and predictabil-  If I do so, then I can’t help dogs. So   the minute you go into, I have to
        that this is rarely the case. But if   ity. Then they start to experience   ultimately, I am a work in progress,   catch the dog mode. You have hit
        you don’t keep your momentum   strangers and humans on different   and I get to watch these dogs grow,   his go button, and that dog will
        and you don’t trust the process   levels depending on where they are,   and I embrace educating people,   dash off and could possibly do so
        and you don’t get the guidance to   what they’re prepared for, and what   welcome help and get these dogs   into oncoming traffic. The dog will
        remain optimistic and hopeful, you   their past is and so forth and so on.   more by doing so.”   no longer be watching for danger, it
        will reasonably quit on your dog   And then through that experience,   Babs and her adorable dogs   will view you as the danger and can
                                                              can be found every single Sun-  often end up getting hit by a car in
                                                              day from 10-3 at Point Loma   an effort to get away from you.”
                                                              High School where many of her   We are so thankful to have
                                                              rescues are available for adoption.   met such a wonderful woman with
                                                              “I park my van, and we can load   such a huge heart who was kind
                                                              and unload the dogs, giving them   enough to share what she does
                                                              a place to escape to if they are   with our readers. She has dedicated
                                                              overwhelmed by either the people   her life to helping dogs find their
                                                              or the weather.  What I tell people   way home and is not financially
                                                              when they come to our events,   benefiting from her expertise. She
                                                              and we’re doing the orientation for   truly has an amazing heart and is
                                                              handlers is that it’s not just about   dedicated to saving our animals.
                                                              the rehoming. A lot of times, our   Thank you, Babs, for all you do!

                                                                  Should you have a dog go missing or find a stray dog, before doing
                                                                        anything else please get in touch with Babs Fry at:
                                                                          A Way Home for Dogs         619-249-2221
                                                                     Visit her website at
                                                                         To Learn More and Help Support Her Rescue.

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