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Women of Distinction

                                                         Dr. Susie Carder

                                                          Conquering the Road to Success

                                                                          By Judith A. Habert
                                                                     Photos Courtesy of Dr. Susie Carder

                                                    and after they were done   would change my life forev-  just knew I needed to be
                                                    baking, they were evenly   er. I found something that   in front of women who
                                                    distributed to all of us.  I re-  I loved and excelled in.  At   had money and who could
                                                    alized that if I hung onto my   the time, I didn’t know how   pay me to do their hair. I re-
                                                    cookies while my brothers   to build the business side.   member waking up the day
                                                    and sisters ate theirs, these   All I knew was that I was   of my talk and I was so sick.
                                                    homemade treats  became   passionate about what I did.   I was throwing up.  I was so
                                                    a commodity. I watched   At this point, I had two ba-  scared. I called my contact
                                                    them eat their cookies. And   bies, an 18-month-old and   at Hewlett-Packer and told
                                                    I was disciplined enough   a 6-month-old, to care for   her how sorry I was, but my
                                                    to not eat mine, so I could   on my own since I had just   aunt died today. Luckily, she
                                                    trade them to get out of do-  escaped from an abusive   was willing to reschedule
                                                    ing the dishes or the laun-  marriage.  I had grown up   my date several weeks later.
                                                    dry when my turn came   in a bad situation and was   I had picked up some books
                                                    around.  I did really well at   determined not to have my   at the used bookstore on
                                                    Halloween and Easter too,   girls experience the same.”   doing presentations, and
                                                    as I wouldn’t eat my candy,   Dr. Susie made a point of   even with some knowledge
                                                    I would save it to get out of   focusing on the part of her   on how to handle a speak-
                                                    those horrible chores”  business that  was  weak-  ing engagement, I woke up
                                                      Dr. Susie’s Dad gave her   est.  Her business acumen.     that morning sick again but
           orn and raised in San   and  I  didn’t  see  her  again   a bit of advice that stuck   So, she would go to book-  knew I had to go through
           Diego Dr. Susie grew up   until I turned 29. As a young   with her.  He told her, “Sue,   stores and look for books   with it this time. I did, and I
       Bin the Imperial Beach   girl, I was left with many un-  you can have anything you   from experts on marketing   wasn’t great, but I did man-
        neighborhood, “My  dad   answerable questions.  Am I   want if you just work hard.”     and building her business,   age to get over my fear and
        was  a military man. My   good enough? Am I lovable   Dr. Susie took that advice   but she knew she couldn’t   obtain four new clients, so I
        stepmom was a seamstress.   enough?  Over the years   and started working at   afford them; it was at that   knew this process worked.
        I was one of nine brothers   I’ve done a ton of work to   any job she could get.  She   point a choice between   By the time I was 27, I was
        and  sisters.  We  were  six   get over these feelings, but   cleaned houses, did yard   buying a $15.00 book or   making a quarter million
        girls and three boys and   as a kid, you don’t know any   work, babysat, and was al-  feeding her girls.  She would   dollars a year as a hair-
        we somehow managed to   better.”            ways selling everything she   venture to the used book-  dresser. And back then, the
        make it work.  We lived in a   Dr. Susie didn’t have   could find to her neighbors.     store and was able to find   average hairdresser made
        three-bedroom house with   the answer, so she felt as   She knew if she wanted to   used copies for a quarter   about $30,000 a year.”
        just one bathroom.  When   if  she  was always strug-  do anything special, she   or fifty cents.  She studied   Dr. Susie continued to
        we turned 18, our dad gave   gling to obtain approval   would  save  money so  she   them every day and soon   book Lunch and Learns,
        the girls two options: get   and  love.  She  knew  one   could go to cheer camp or   figured out what she need-  and her business continued
        a job or get a husband.  In   thing for sure, and that was   sports camp.   This is how   ed to do to make six figures.   to grow. Her children were
        any case, we were expect-  that she did not like being   Dr. Susie became an entre-  Dr. Susie came upon a   the motivators to work
        ed to move out.  I guess   poor! From an early age she   preneur by the age of 9 or   book that had an idea in it   through her fear, knowing
        you could say I wasn’t one   learned how to get around   10.  She was a very bright   that enthralled her, “I don’t   she had to be able to pro-
        to let grass grow under my   the  being  poor  thing.   “All   young girl who realized   even recall the name of the   vide for them.  “It wasn’t
        feet; knowing the options,   of  us  kids  had  chores  to   that she should always   book all I remember was it   because I wanted to be a
        when I turned 17, I decided   do  around  the  house, as   go the extra mile.  “If I was   said, if you go into corpo-  speaker. It wasn’t about my
        to leave. I was a spicy little   you can imagine, doing   babysitting, I would clean   rations and speak, you can   ego. It was about survival.
        thing, and I decided to con-  the dishes was a huge un-  the house as well, so when   find your ideal client. So, I   When you look at Maslow’s
        trol my own destiny.”  dertaking  in a  family of   families were looking for a   talked my way into Hewlett   Hierarchy of Needs, the bot-
           At 17 Dr. Susie worked   11.  Every night was like   babysitter, they would call   Packer to do a lunch and   tom level is food, shelter,
        at Kentucky Fried Chicken   Thanksgiving dinner as far   me because I did more than   learn”  and clothing. And that’s all
        while still attending high   as dishes were concerned.     the others they would hire.”  It seemed like the per-  I was trying to do. I needed
        school.  It was enough   Of  course, we  didn’t have   At the age of 18, Dr.   fect road for Dr. Susie to   to create a consistent in-
        money to pay her rent, but   a dishwasher, we were the   Susie decided to follow her   take until the day came for   come for myself so I could
        not much was left over. “My   dishwashers. Laundry was   desires and went to live with   her to give the speech,  “I   properly care for my family.
        upbringing was very tu-  another massive chore.  I   her aunt in Chico, where she   had never spoken in public   After a while, the fear
        multuous. My mom aban-  learned the art of bartering.     enrolled in cosmetology   before and had no desire   subsided, and Dr.  Susie
        doned us when I was five,   We would make cookies,   school. “That single decision   to  be  a  public speaker. I   started to  enjoy speaking.
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