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P. 49

Women of Distinction

        me, and I have made it my full-time   As Babs explains, “Search and   fight or flight, fly or die. It’s a very   trolled setting with unpredictable
        commitment.”               hunt are synonymous terms, and   black-and-white line. There are no   variables. The fact of the matter is if
           I asked Babs if there is a list of   if you have a friendly, gregarious,   gray areas. Because in their world,   a dog feels that their life is in danger,
        things to do when your dog goes   happy-go-lucky dog, you wouldn’t   gray areas or mistakes are deadly.”  whether it be something they smell
        missing.  Her response was, “Call   be calling me, and you would have   As Babs mentioned If you   in the wind, a sound that they hear,
        me!  There is no black-and-white   your dog back, it either would’ve   haven’t had your pet since birth, you   something they see, or an energy
        list I can provide because there   stopped and come back or some-  have no way to know what experi-  that we don’t pick up on, that fight
        are so many variables.  When I   body else would have found it.   ences may cause this fight or flight   or flight reaction could come on
        know the circumstances, I can give                    reaction.  It could be something like   instantaneously.
        the absolute method, but it varies                    a dirt bike that he has never seen   The most important fact that I
        based on many factors. You must                       before, or he witnessed a car acci-  learned from Babs is that what you
        remember that you are talking                         dent that triggered that life-or-death   think you should do is probably
        about dogs that are living thinking                   decision.  Every dog is going to   the least likely step to finding your
        beings. Humans that are living,                       have an instinctual reaction at some   dog.  Like with people, every dog is
        thinking beings, and both of whom                     point, and you cannot train instinct   different, and the solution to recov-
        have opposite instinctual reactions                   out of a dog.               ering them is different as well.  Babs
        when a dog goes missing. The fact                                                 shares, “I can tell you what not to
        of the matter is, it’s a recipe. When                                             do. You don’t look for your dog. You
        did it happen? Where did it happen?                                               don’t rely solely on social media,
        Why did it happen? How long has                                                   and most importantly, you have to
        the dog been with you? The reason                                                 connect with somebody, be it me or
        I insist on people connecting with                                                another expert, at recovering pets
        me is because, first, I have to get                                               to get yourself dialed in with your
        people on board with a different   That’s a fact. And if searching for a          recipe. You know, you wouldn’t just
        way of thinking that aligns with dog   dog was going to be productive, I          dabble with chemistry to see how
        behavior versus people’s panicked   would tell people to do that.  But a          it turned out. You would consult a
        behavior.  Then the other piece of   findable dog has already been found          chemist.”
        that is every dog is going to have dif-  by somebody else. You’re wasting            Babs adds that she is a trapper
        ferent variables that are either going   your time and you’re connecting          by trade.  That is one of her gifts
        to be aversive or attractive and those   with half a dozen people as you’re       that has brought lost pets home to
        are the things we have to navigate   walking the neighborhood versus              their loving families. I know from
        so that we can negotiate what our   hundreds or thousands managing   Babs emphasized that this is   having had a dog disappear that
        next steps are going to be. Gener-  a more effective campaign through   the reason that she personally never   there is no more joy than being re-
        ally speaking, the very first thing   social media and posters. The flip   advocates for off-leash activities for   united with a beloved pet that you
        people need to do is stop searching.   side of that is that something has   your dog. What people don’t take   feared you would never see again.
        Searching is the worst thing people   triggered flight in the dog.  Their   into account when doing so is that   Thankfully, with Babs’s immense
        can do.”                   absolute raw instinctual nature is   you are operating in an uncon-  knowledge and trapper skills, she
                                                                                          has brought tears of joy to the eyes
                                                                                          of many pet owners who have been
                                                                                          reunited with their missing family
                                                                                             I asked Babs what was the lon-
                                                                                          gest period of time that a dog was
                                                                                          missing and then recovered. “There
                                                                                          was a dog spotted in the San Diego
                                                                                          County riverbed that had been
                                                                                          there for three and a half years,”
                                                                                          I asked if she had been working
                                                                                          with the owner for that amount of
                                                                                          time. “I actually worked with that
                                                                                          owner when the dog went missing.
                                                                                          I worked with him for a couple of
                                                                                          weeks. The dog went MIA, we had
                                                                                          no leads, nothing that we could do,
                                                                                          but when I got a call from a ranger
                                                                                          about a dog that was incredibly
                                                                                          fearful and had been reported to

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