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Women of Distinction

        It  is  known  that  the  num-  I started teaching these ele-  market crashed.  We had   out. But when I was on the   in that journey that busi-
        ber one fear in life is public   ments in the beauty indus-  spent 20 years building it,   ground praying, I heard a   ness is business is business.
        speaking, and the number   try. Because they were not   and it was destroyed over-  voice, I’m going to call it my   What’s different is the cost
        two is death by fire. So, most   being taught in cosmetolo-  night. We were too heavily   God, and the voice said to   of goods. What’s different is
        people would rather burn   gy schools.”     leveraged in real estate. So,   me, 'I will never leave you.  I   percentages. And if you do
        to death than speak in front   Having interviewed so   when  the  market crashed,   will never forsake you. I will   enough research,  and  I’ve
        of a group.           many professionals over   we lost 90% of our portfo-  be here for you. You don’t   always been a researcher,
           Dr. Susie also has a pas-  the years, I can tell you that   lio. And to give you a sense   need a man. You’ve always   you could find the answers.
        sion for helping women,   this happens not only in the   90% of that portfolio was   done this on your own. It’s   I supported them in build-
        especially single moms, so   cosmetology business, but   $10 million in real estate. It   always been you. Get up   ing their business. I took
        she  pushed forward  and   I have found this lacking   devastated me. I remember   and tell your story.' At first,   Lisa  Nichols from $80,000
        continued to do what she   even in the medical field,   being on the floor bawling   I couldn’t deal with telling   to $10 million and we took
        did because the feedback   dental field, and law field.     and praying and saying   people I just lost all my   the company public. We did
        made her strong enough   Students are taught how to   why?  I was not saying Oh,   money. I am supposed to   a complete turnaround sit-
        to keep going and let   excel at their chosen profes-  poor me, I knew I had been   be a well-respected coach;   uation with John Assaraf’s
        women  know that  they   sion but not how to become   a good steward.  I read the   how could I admit this?”  company as well. That was
        could do whatever they set   good business owners.    books. I hired coaches and   At the time Dr. Susie   my springboard into entre-
        their minds to.          “Today, I not only speak   consultants and did ev-  had signed a non-compete   preneurship.
           Shortly after Dr. Susie   to groups of hairdressers   erything I was supposed   in the beauty industry, so   Dr. Susie was teaching
        started speaking, she was   but am often asked to   to  do.  But  there  was  one   she could not go back into   at the Millionaire’s Forum.
        approached by the Paul   speak at medical, legal, and   thing I lacked.  I didn’t know   this industry. “I felt desper-  People went there to learn
        Mitchell team.  They want-  dental conferences and just   asset protection. I was too   ate.  I didn’t know what to   how to raise money. Dr.
        ed her to do these little   about any field where run-  over-leveraged.”     do. I only knew this indus-  Susie talked to the founder
        cluster classes for them to   ning a business is central to   Dr. Susie’s marriage of   try. I didn’t know any other   and said,  “You’re teaching
        teach salon owners and   success regardless  of  your   17 years crumbled.  Her   industry. I was an icon in   these people how to raise
        technicians how to build   chosen area of expertise.”   husband couldn’t handle   this field. I would walk into a   money, but you’re not
        their businesses. She had   Dr. Susie continued on   the failure, so he left and   room, and everybody knew   teaching them how to build
        a marketing calendar, and   her journey and ended up   moved to Singapore.  “This   who I was. I would walk into   a business. So, they’re blow-
        they loved her approach to   building the largest train-  person who said, I will nev-  a regular room, and no-  ing all this money that they
        growing a business.  As with   ing and development com-  er leave you, I will always be   body knew who I was.   are raising from these inves-
        many  businesses,  you  are   pany in the beauty industry.   by your side was suddenly   Dr. Susie’s identity was   tors. He suggested I teach a
        taught how to execute and   She then sold it to Thomp-  gone. While he went to Sin-  wrapped around this busi-  class there.  So, I did.”
        improve your skills in your   son Learning Publishing   gapore and sunk his toes   ness. “At the time I still had   Although this wasn’t
        field but are rarely taught   for an eight-figure deal. “I   in the sand, I was left hold-  two clients.  I had John   her expertise, Dr. Susie
        how to run a business that   thought that this would be   ing the bag. I had to clean   Assaraf, and Lisa Nichols,   knew she could get up to
        utilizes these skills.    “The   my chance to retire. I was 40   up  the  mess.  I  had  to  go   both very influential in the   speed and find the answers.
        fact is that 15% of anybody’s   years old.  I was living well.     into foreclosures and short   speaking world. They were   What she did have was a
        success is their vocation. It’s   I remarried, finally finding   sales. It was awful. I was like,   very high-profile clients.     knowledge of money.  “It’s
        the job we do, it’s the skillset   the love of my life, and we   wait a minute.  We’re sup-  I decided I would do for   simple, money in money
        that we have. It’s the voca-  also had a real estate devel-  posed to be brave or die in   them what I did for myself.   out. Don’t spend as much
        tion we choose but 85% is   opment company. At this   this  together.  It  took  a  lot   So, I leveraged that ex-  as you make and invest. I’ve
        sales.  It is necessary to learn   point, we had been married   of therapy to get over that   pertise and just did what I   always invested in real es-
        marketing, operations, fi-  for seventeen years.  Then   and to be able to talk about   knew how to do, which was   tate and done well. The first
        nance, and communication.   2008 came around and the   it without bawling my eyes   build businesses. I realized   thing I did when I accumu-

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