Page 57 - SDWM Digital Version Mojo Cover
P. 57

this a one of kind      pools are shut down         Road trips in
        experience (starting    when lightning is        New Mexico never
        at $239.00 per night).   present within ten      disappoint. Although
        Feel soothed while      miles of the resort.     driving distances
        soaking in the iron,    Due to the property’s    can feel lengthy
        lithia, soda, arsenic,   remoteness, the only    in the remote and
        or mud spas offering    dining option for        uninhabited areas
        different healing       breakfast, lunch,        and as I often joke,
        properties. Keep in     and dinner is the        an hour on the road
        mind, this is a quiet   welcoming Artesian       in New Mexico can
        place where rest &      restaurant located       feel like two hours in
        relaxation are always   right on the property.   California, the Land of
        on the menu. If you     Plentiful hiking trails   Enchantment and its
        are a lodging guest,    and lots of history      mystique has forever
        you can enjoy the       surrounding the site     captured my heart and
        spas from 7:30 am       complete this unique     will continue to call
        until 10:00 pm. The     experience.              me back for more.

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