Page 58 - SDWM Digital Version Mojo Cover
P. 58


                                  By Judith A. Habert

                               Photos Courtesy of The Animal Pad

           I was lucky enough to   Animal Pad started rescuing
        learn about this amazing   dogs from Mexico. They
        animal rescue in San Diego.    rented kennels in a facility in
        Stephanie Nisan, founder of   Southern San Diego Coun-
        The Animal Pad, had always   ty. There, they would house
        been an animal lover and   dogs that they rescued from
        she had always hoped to do   Mexico, and in 2020, they
        something that would benefit   were able to actually open up
        animals.  When she was on   their own facility in La Mesa.
        the search for a dog to adopt,   This was the beginning
        she found an ad for a dog   of what today is one of the
        and, when she inquired, was   greatest animal shelters I
        told that the animal would be   have come in contact with
        killed the following day if not   over the past 18 years run-
        adopted.  She was morti-   ning this magazine.  What
        fied and started researching   makes them so great is, of
        animal shelters, only to find   course, their founder, along
        out that some of the highest   with over 500 volunteers
        kill shelters in the nation are   who dedicate their time and
        within a two-hour radius of   love to help these animals.
        San Diego. “When I discov-  The Animal Pad is one
        ered this fact I knew I had   hundred percent volunteer,
        to do something.  I sent out   run, and donation-based,
        an email to my friends and   meaning nobody is paid in
        family and said, okay, I'm   the organization.  This is a
        starting a dog rescue and I’m   major fact since everybody
        not sure what it's going to be   knows that whatever work,   dogs in any condition, any   their personality and their
        called. I'm not sure what it's   time, or financial resources   age, and any breed.    health. The main things
        going to look like, but I'm   that they contribute to the   Lauren Botticelli, Di-  they do there are feeding,
        starting a corporation. Who   Animal Pad is truly making   rector of Operations, shares,   medicating, and socializing
        wants to be on my board?   a difference because it's not   “A lot of the time, we just go   all the dogs. It's the first
        Who wants to help me?”     going to somebody's salary;   down in our van and pick up   place that they go to right
        Stephanie started her shelter   it's not going to some crazy   the dogs that need rescue in   after wherever they came
        focused on getting dogs    overhead. It's going directly   Mexico. We work with vets   from. So, it's a big step up
        off euthanasia lists, saving   to the care of the dogs.  The   locally to make sure that these   for them. For a lot of the
        them before they would be   Animal Pad is an equal op-  dogs are getting the best care   dogs, it's the first time that
        put down. In addition, The   portunity center that accepts   they can, and we prepare   they're actually getting fed
                                                               them for success before we   consistently, and they're be-
                                                               bring them to San Diego.”   ing loved on by people and
                                                                  These dogs are there    treated with dignity and
                                                               for a ten-day quarantine   respect. We are then called
                                                               period, and their work-    by their TJ Rescuer who lets
                                                               ers, whom they call their   them know that the animals
                                                               Glam Squad, will bathe     are checked out and are
                                                               them, cut their hair, and   ready to be picked up.
                                                               file their nails while they    The Animal Pad had
                                                               are there.  During this time   heard about a dog rescue in
                                                               they can also get to know   Mexico that had some ques-
                                                               more about the dogs; they   tionable practices, and they
                                                               can get to know more about   were hearing some trouble-
                  Rescues from shut down Mexican shelter
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