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some information about this
        facility.  There was little they
        could do since they were
        just a standard rescue. Asia
        Caluori, Director of Market-
        ing shared, “We didn't have
        anything that we could really
        do to stop them. Until last
        year, the Mexican authorities
        actually reached out to us,
        and they said they wanted to
        shut down this fake rescue,
        but they needed our help
        because they couldn't take
        on the dogs; someone had
        to do it.  So, a team of our
        volunteers actually went side
        by side with the Mexican       Asia added, “We took on   Stephanie Nisan shares,   ‘I wish it could be more,’ but
        authorities and with some of   the onus of being the advo-  “Obviously, we don't have   what people don’t realize is
        our rescue partners in Mexi-  cates for those dogs. They are   private funding, we don't   that we are so grateful for
        co and basically did a hostile   officially in our care. We've   have public funding. We just   anything they can give us.
        takeover of this fake rescue.   basically spent the last year   get donations from individ-  Anything that they feel com-
        Apparently, they had been   trying to get those dogs all   uals. What people need to   fortable with, and it doesn’t
        conning animal lovers in   adopted out. And so many    know is that no amount is   have to be money.  It could
        the US and Mexico who just   of the dogs we currently   too small. I sometimes see   be fostering or it could just
        wanted to help these aban-  have are still from there. In   donations of five or ten dol-  be time spent with our dogs
        doned dogs.  What they did   addition to the 300 dogs that   lars coming in via Venmo.    at our shelter.  Any type of
        was they would take in really   we have in foster care and   There will be a note saying,   donation is great!”
        sick or injured dogs and   the 30 dogs at our facility, we
        post pictures and info about   now have a facility in Mexico   If you are looking to add a new family member, take a look
        them on Facebook, claiming   with about 100 dogs remain-  at the animals on their site.  Some are currently available,
        to have rescued these dogs   ing from that fake Mexican   but others may still require care from the Animal Pad
        but needed donations for   animal rescue.” In San Diego,   staff; you can find out more by visiting their site at
        the animal's medical care.    The Animal Pad currently
        They would raise a bunch of   has 25 adoptable puppies and
        money, but it would never go   around 340 dogs currently in
        towards the dogs. The dogs   their care.
        were not being fed; they went   The Animal Pad offers
        days without water. It was   several ways to get involved.
        a really, really sad, horrible   You can either foster a dog,
        condition, and many of the   which means you have no
        dogs lost their lives.”  When   intention of adopting it, but
        I heard about this, I could   are willing to take the dog
        not believe that there were   into your home to care for
        people out there who would   it short term. You can foster
        torture animals as they had,   to adopt a dog, which means
        and unfortunately, these   you would like to adopt the
        criminals were never arrested   dog but you want to foster
        or made to pay for the unbe-  it for a few weeks to make
        lievable cruelty perpetrated   sure the dog is a good fit for
        upon these pure, innocent,   you and that you are a good
        helpless dogs.  The Animal   fit for the dog, or you can
        Pad was just glad that they   adopt the dog.
        could save so many dogs and    The Animal Pad wel-
        remove them from this hor-  comes volunteers and those
        rible situation, they were able   who would like to donate
        to save over 400 dogs      to the care of their dogs.
                                                              Photo by Colorforbreakfast
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