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Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert                                                           by Jaime V. Habert




        1.  SNOWCANDY                       2.  REVEKA SKINCARE                  creamy coating on your skin in the driest
        Living in Southern California, you may be   Work hard, play hard, rejuvenate! It’s the   of environments. Our suggestion? Grab a
        familiar with PoolCandy. The trusted brand   catchphrase of every Reveka user, and   multi-pack and add them to your girlfriends’
        of pool inflatables that turn a backyard   with good reason. This incredible skincare   gifts for a bridal party, girls’ night in, or birth-
        get-together into an instant pool party. Well,   line features magnesium chloride – a vital   day celebration. When paired with a natural
        now you can bring those same bright and   mineral required for life. In fact, over 300   loofah, it makes any bath into a spa!
        fun festivities to the snow! SnowCandy offers   daily bodily functions and 600 metabolic   The best part? Reveka is a woman & vet-
        the most adorable sledding inflatables in fun   functions require the presence of magne-  eran-owned business! Start your guilt-free
        shapes like Penguin, Arctic Husky, Bunny,   sium. Low magnesium levels have been   shopping now at
        Polar Bear, and more!               linked to osteoporosis, diabetes, metabolic
           When the urge hits to spend a week-  syndrome, and heart disease. The need for   3.  PACAS SOCKS
        end in Big Bear, you’ll be reaching for their   magnesium is one most Americans require   Lately, we’ve been feeling the cold in San Di-
        Jumbo Heavy Duty Camouflage Inflatable.   as nearly 80% are deficient. The issue may   ego! These chilly mornings and even chillier
        This cold-resistant thick PVC is the perfect   lie in the American diet and lifestyle, but   evenings require a thick sock to warm those
        companion for hitting the slopes in style.   the reality is that it is not possible for most   frozen toes. Our favorite sock to grab for
        It’s a sleek sled that even the biggest of kids   people to get adequate magnesium, and   when the cold just won’t quit is Pacas. Pacas
        (husbands) will jump at the chance to use.   supplementation is a necessity.   socks are made from Alpaca fiber. Yes, those
           To impress the locals in town, take out   Most of today’s soaps and skincare   adorable llama-like mammals aren’t just
        the illuminated LED snowflake tube and   products feature sulfates that damage   for children’s books! Alpaca fiber is buttery,
        glow while you go high speeds down the   your skin. So, when we discovered that   soft, and naturally thermoregulating. It is
        snowy hillside. The vibrant snowflakes and   Reveka’s formula was not only sulfate-free   also moisture-wicking and odor-resistant,
        shimmery light will make an impression,   but also featured shea butter, tea tree oil,   making it the perfect sock to grab in any
        and soon, you’ll be sharing a sled for two.   peppermint, and magnesium, we knew this   weather condition. A seamless toe and
        Personally, we had two characters the kiddos   product would be a game changer for our   cushioned sole provide added comfort to
        could not resist – the T-REX and the Rainbow.   skincare routine. Reveka is made with mag-  any activity or season.
        The T-REX SnowCandy features a giant T-REX   nesium from the Ancient Zechstein Seabed,   The wide variety of colors and designs
        head, tiny arms, and a tail with a realistic   the world’s most pristine and complete   allows you to express your style without
        design that will make bystanders do a dou-  source of medical-grade magnesium.   sacrificing your feet. You can choose your
        ble take. Rainbows are always a hit with the   When traveling, this bar does double   ideal length from no-show to crew or
        little girls, but this one sits on a tuft of clouds   duty. Its rich lather makes it the perfect sub-  grab the compression for added benefits.
        that makes the perfect seat for any rider. The   stitute for shaving cream or shampoo. The   Our favorite design must be the quirky
        bright multi-color rainbow features comfort-  generous 7-ounce size means you can share   alpaca character sock, which features your
        able handles to steer as you joyfully find your   this iconic bath staple with your partner   favorite little guy atop a mountain and is
        way to the bottom of your terrain.   without worry. Reveka allows you to bring   sure to make you smile. If you want the
           For more information on SnowCandy   your taste of luxury anywhere you go. From   perfect accompaniment to your gym fit,
        and to shop the entire collection visit   the gym to the airport, this French-milled   grab slouchy socks. These feature fabric                      soap will last long and create a rich and   that gathers on your calf for a fashion-for-
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