Page 15 - Rana Sampson Issue (1)
P. 15

Women Mean Business
                                                   Dr. Marialyn Sardo

                                                 Making Mommies Smile

       There is one fact that is immediately obvious upon meeting   One of the key elements when selecting a physician to perform this
       Dr Marialyn Sardo and that is that she truly cares about each and   type of plastic surgery is primarily their experience and training with
       every one of her patients.  Not only does she want to be certain that   the selected procedure.  Dr. Sardo’s specialty in breast and tummy
       they are receiving the best care possible, but she is there to answer   tuck procedures makes her the perfect choice.  We asked Dr. Sardo
       any question or concern they may have.  In her plastic surgery prac-  why she chose this profession and was surprised to learn that she
       tice she utilizes the latest technology available, but her approach to   was determined to enter into the medical profession at a young
       her patients is old school.  She provides that personal touch that is   age. “It was actually thanks to my brother who had a childhood job
       too often missing in the medical community today.  Dr Sardo does   sweeping up a doctor’s office. He would come home every day
       a variety of procedures for her patients, but the one which has be-  with magazines from the physician’s office.  I would devour these
       come extremely popular is known as the “Mommy Makeover.”  journals, and when I came upon an article with pictures of children
                                                                who were helped by reconstructive cranial facial surgery I felt an
       The Mommy Makeover involves multiple procedures, performed   immediate interest in this area of medicine. I knew that I wanted
       during one outpatient surgery visit, which can erase the damage to   to help children with birth defects.”   Dr. Sardo went on to gradu-
       their bodies that many women experience during childbirth.  “Not all   ate Phi Beta Kappa from San Diego State University with honors in
       women require the Mommy Makeover after pregnancy, but there are   chemistry.  She then attended medical school at the University of
       some who are adversely affected by the strain put on their bodies.    California, San Diego School of Medicine.  Staying in the Southern
       It is often a combination of the amount of weight gain and hered-  California area for her general surgery training she trained at the
       ity that determines the effects that                                          University of California, Los Angeles and
       childbearing will have on a woman.”                                           the prestigious Cedars-Sinai Medical
       For some women they are back in                                               Center.  After her training she went on to
       their bikinis in no time after giving                                         Boston University Medical Center where
       birth.  For others, no matter how                                             she completed her specialized training in
       hard they hit the gym and cut down                                            plastic and reconstructive surgery.
       on calorie intake they cannot get
       back their pre-baby bodies.  In those                                         Dr. Sardo has performed various proce-
       cases their stomach muscles have                                              dures for San Diego women since 1987.
       been stretched and the elasticity of                                          In researching plastic surgery procedures
       their skin is such that it will not allow                                     it is easy to see that women still be-
       their stomach to return to its previ-                                         lieve that investing in yourself proves to   San Diego
       ous state.  This is when Dr. Sardo                                            have a positive return.  According to the   Woman
       comes in and helps them regain                                                American Society of Plastic Surgeons,
       their pre-pregnancy bodies and they                                           in 2009, 1.5 million cosmetic surgeries
       often look even better than before.                                           and 11 million noninvasive-minimally
       Women are thrilled with the outcome                                           invasive procedures were performed.    15
       of this procedure.                                                            With statistics such as these we asked
                                                                                     Dr. Sardo what the latest innovations are
       The Mommy Makeover usually                                                    in this area and she surprised us with
       consists of breast and abdominal                                              a term we had not come across before.
       surgery.  The breast surgery can be                                           “One of the most popular non-invasive
       either breast augmentation or breast                                          procedures requested is being referred to
       lift and it is generally accompanied                                          as the Vampire Facelift.  The real name
       by abdominoplasty(tummy tuck)                                                 is Selphyl which is a technology where
       and/or  liposuction.  The procedure                                           the growth potential of your own platelets
       is done during one surgery visit, and                                         is used to enhance the collagen forma-
       may entail an overnight stay.  Recu-                                          tion in your face.  The process involves
       peration time is about six weeks with                                         drawing a couple of tubes of blood which
       the patient able to return to work                                            are then spun down and the platelets are
       within 10 days of surgery if they                                             removed.  These platelets are rich with
       have a sedentary job, a bit longer                                            growth factors, so when they are injected
       if they have more active profes-                                              back into your face it will improve firm-
       sions. Having several procedures                                              ness and fullness in a 3-4 week period.
       done at once cuts down on surgical costs and recuperation time so   The results have been shown to last approximately 18 months”
       many women prefer this to having the procedures done separately.
       Women are thrilled with the results and regain much of their self   Dr. Sardo understands the concerns of women and is always
       confidence that can be damaged by a poor body image.  Dr. Sardo   willing to discuss even the minutest details that may concern her
       suggests that it is often best to wait to have the procedure until 6   patients.  “It’s not about returning to your 20’s, it is about restoring
       months to a year after delivery as it is important that the body has   and rejuvenating your body and face to look more like you feel on
       healed from the pregnancy.  Dr. Sardo also suggests that it is best   the inside.  Correcting the changes brought on by age, childbearing,
       to have a Mommy Makeover performed when you have completed   sun damage or genetic factors helps you feel better about yourself.
       your family.  However, there is no danger if a patient should become   Being more self confident contributes to a fuller more enjoyable life.”
       pregnant after the procedure is performed.               Thanks to Dr. Sardo, many San Diego women agree.
                                                        March/April 2011
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